We have the Will. We can re-make him, better, faster, stronger.

Dec 09, 2012 08:34

This is a better place for what I need to get out and what not ATM.

So Let's break this down.

Smoke Free: 9 days

1. 45 mins.
2. 3.15 Miles
3. 700 Calories
-Chest 4x20
1. Bench 95 lbs. (bar+70)
2. Incline 30 lbs. (dumb bells.)
3. Butterfly 30 lbs.
-Triceps 3x15
1. Overhead Extensions 15 lbs. (dumb bells)
2. Push downs 30 lbs.
3. pull downs 30 lbs.
1. 45 minutes
2. 3.3 Miles
3. 715 Calories
-Back 4x20
1. Cable Row 40 lbs.
2. Pull down machine Setting 3
3. Reverse Fly 40 lbs.
-Biceps 3/15
1. Top Half Curl 15 lbs (dumbbell)
2. Cable Curl MachingSetting 4
3. Preacher Curl 40 lbs.

Expect to see this nearly daily. I apologize in advance if it gets annoying, but this is sort of what I am doing right now. It is kind of amazing.
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