Understanding the sublime theivery

Nov 02, 2012 07:59

I've had this rambling around in my head for the last few years but felt the need to put it down into writing. The act of learning, or as i think of it, 'coming to an understanding of a thing.' is the most sublime of thievery. An understanding is something you take. You take it from a teacher, from the world, you steal it from yourself. The world is full of these understandings hidden in plain sight, in books and in the hidden nooks and cranny's of experience. It is your responsibility as a student thief of the universe to pilfer this fruit of existence whenever you can, as often as possible.

Learning/understanding is the most sublime thievery because even after you have stolen an understanding for yourself the same understanding exists for another thief to come along and pick it up. We are a world of thieves stealing from each other, the world and ourselves. It is in this spirit of understanding as merchandise it behooves one to become as wealthy as you can. Raid the Middle East for ancient mysteries, Go on safari inf Africa for lost treasure, Visit India to plunder it's riches, Travel Europe and Asia to pilfer it's history and art. Round the globe filling the vault of your life with the wealth of the world; knowing you have not made the world poorer for your larceny, but have made of yourself a fortune.
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