Birthday Optimus Prime sighting and Drabbles

Oct 13, 2010 17:53

Monday morning I got passed on the freeway by Optimus Prime!

Blue Peterbilt with flames, hauling a flatbed with---I shit you not---bright-pink squarish things.

Happy birthday to me!

Anyway, aside from that, drabbles: which I wrote for raisedbymoogles, who gave me the prompts.

All are Galvatron/Rodimus and contain sex, mentions of sex, BDSM, or general kinky behavior. One contains Karma.

Prompt: Water.

The humans who shared life on Cybertron with the Autobots were used to the unexpected.  Nothing, however, managed to be quite as terrifying in real-time yet hilarious in hindsight as the time the water-cannon assault prank from the energon dispenser archive resulted in a full-scale diplomatic incident (and Rodimus laughing himself silly) when the humans in question had failed to consider that Galvatron regularly came by to visit his lover, and would occasionally be the one to come and get energon.

(follow-up chat log:
SunstoneWEAPON 5:18 pm    XDDD 5:19 pm    yeah
SunstoneWEAPON 5:20 pm    At least he's nice and clean? 5:20 pm    yes, and take a guess what the "diplomatic incident" took to resolve?
SunstoneWEAPON 5:21 pm    Lots of clankety-clank? 5:21 pm    exactly 5:22 pm    one of the better things about being a Decepticon warlord is you can claim offense at something the Autobots do and make the Prime spend a couple nights solicitously acceding to your demands.
SunstoneWEAPON 5:22 pm    ....XD



Rodimus' plans to spend a night watching shooting stars (as their planet traveled through an asteroid field) were rudely interrupted when Galvatron decided to come along and proved more interested in molesting Rodimus than letting Rodimus watch the sky; Rodimus had his revenge when one of the meteors impacted, red-hot and at high speeds, with Galvatron's aft.

SunstoneWEAPON 5:32 pm    XDDDDD    The universe has just administered a spanking.



After Ratchet ran out of paint in Rodimus' colors once, the Prime elected to simply paint all of himself gold instead of just his aft and the other bits of paint Galvatron had scoured off.  Galvatron, for his part, was both amused and intrigued, but got Rodimus some proper red paint out of Decepticon stores when he was done removing the gold. "It is more *you,*" he'd said. Rodimus agreed, thanking Primus that Galvatron had never seen Star Wars.

SunstoneWEAPON 6:09 pm    *DIES* 6:10 pm    I was thinking of making somebody make a Minnesota Vikings comment about the gold paint rubbed off on Galvatron . . . complete with horns and berserker temper.



It was very rare that Rodimus endeavored to assert dominance over Galvatron. When it did happen, it had to do with some ethical issue or another with regards to Decepticon plans, and it always managed to be the most terrifying thing Rodimus had ever done, but he did it anyway because there were some things he wouldn't budge on. Flat-out ordering the commander of the Decepticons---his enemy, technically, as well as his very-dominant lover---to do something or refrain from doing something, took everything Rodimus had in him.

It was, however, worth it---not just for the important issue that had prompted him to dig his heels in in the first place, but for Galvatron's considered, measured compliance, the way the Decepticon leader managed to back off without relinquishing an ounce of authority, and how his optics glowed with amusement in the moments after Rodimus had seen him come to his conclusion, a heated, ironic smile coming to his faceplates, and the words, only partially joking, "As you wish, my Lord Prime."



If someone were to ask Galvatron what he wanted in regards to Rodimus Prime, he would have answered with dreams of victory, of dominion, of ownership, of whips and chains and lots of interfacing.

Later, when he and Rodimus had become more of an established couple, possession would become the central theme, along with imagery of them entwined on the berth together, spark to spark and lost in each other---whips and chains still very much present.

The dream within the dream, hidden underneath layers and layers of privacy protocols, of sparkbonding and tender touches and saying "I love you," he would not acknowledge at all---not even to himself.



It was at an attempted Decepticon/Autobot icebreaker event that the relationship between the Supreme Commanders was outed fully and publicly. Unsurprisingly, it was Galvatron's fault. They had all been answering trivial questions like favorite song or funniest memory, when somebody asked what everyone's favorite flavor was, and Galvatron had smiled wickedly, looked over at Rodimus, and said "Crome," and proceeded to demonstrate.    Distracted by a glossa circling the inside of one of the exhuast pipes on his arm, Rodimus had waited until later to be embarrassed about it.


Living weapons:

Becoming Galvatron's lover had not made Rodimus Prime's life easier.

More interesting, certainly. Easier, not so much.

There were exceptions, however.  One of them was an ability to deal with certain minor problems with non-Decepticon hostiles by simply pointing Galvatron at them and sitting back to watch the ensuing fireworks.

The fireworks afterwards, when he poured praises on Galvatron and Galvatron, battle-sated and preening, poured liquid fire through his circuitry, were even better.

my life is awesome, crushes on machines, transformers, fic, i love this

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