A day well lived

Oct 09, 2010 19:04

I learned to drive stick shift today!

The local dealership had this promotion where they donated $20 to high school athletics for everyone who took a car for a test drive, so I went up there and snagged a manual transmission car and drove it around town.

I did stall out more times than I'd care to admit, but the first time I shifted it into gear and let go of the clutch it went perfectly and all the fear and courage and joy and achievement came together just as smoothly and this is what Heaven must feel like.

My birthday isn't until Monday but we decided to celebrate it today; I went Frisbee-golfing with Mom and Brother and Vice Sister and had fun there, and Vice Sister and I rolled down this big hill on the course like we were little kids again (growing old is to some extent inevitable; growing up is optional), and Brother won like he always does, having orders of magnitude more disc-golf experience than the rest of us, but that's perfectly fine 'cause the game was fun.

Also changed a tire for one neighbor with another neighbor showing up halfway to let us borrow his jack, which was so much better than the one I dug out of the van . . . I really must get myself one, and one of the crossbar tire-iron things.

Then we went food shopping, and booze shopping, and went home and had coho salmon and asparagus and jasmine rice and kiwi and wine, and it was awesome.

And now I'm IMing friends over the internet.

I love my life. ^___^

automotive, stick shift fuck yeah!, a day well lived, mission accomplished

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