Nothing but sad goodbyes

Aug 23, 2010 00:34

Hi there. Wow, look at all these entries for August. I've been bored lately, so I'm here on a Sunday night/Monday morning just writing about my weekend.

I went to an Erotic Art show on Friday night!!! It was pretty cool. The art was good. One artist was also a model in this like nude body art runway show they had at the end of the night and she had the best art! It was my fave! It was like this woman with like crazy blue hair blowing in the wind! It made me think. I got a little inspired! I have pics I will post on facebook!

Before that I went to North Haven to have lunch with Barakah for her birthday! We went to Olive Garden and caught up a little bit! That was fun! It was so hot this Friday I wish I had had time to go to the beach, but what are you going to do?

I then went to Alicia's like end of summer party with Greg and his sister. We all had gone to the art show together too. I had gotten a lil drunk. I ended up not going out with my coworkers that night because it was a lil weird that night, I dunno, long story. I still had a great Friday night.

I worked all weekend, however, which really sucked. I'm in Hardlines all weekend next weekend. Which could be okay, I dunno. We'll see how it goes. lol.

Saturday I went to a club in Queens with my friend Kenny, which was really fun. Queens is really cool. New York in general is pretty cool. It was sucky that it's been raining so much. We drove there so that was pretty cool.

Today was boring. There has been some drama at work lately so it's pretty annoying to go in and fake emotions I don't really feel, but whatever. It's for the money. It's gonna be a challenging couple of weeks so I'm trying to get a little focused.

Other than that, not much is going on! It was great that Greg came home for the weekend from New York. We had so good fun Friday! Very Funny Times. lol.

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