Shiny fun faces #5... ish

Jun 15, 2012 05:59

I just love Kate Austen, okay?

The words:

I am not your mirror...
for you to place meaning upon.

I am a reflection of my own pain...

I am the princess and the knight
I will climb my own tower
I will write my own fairy tale

All of these images were taken from Season1 - and they reflect my ~FEELS about how much I just love Kate this time through the series. (Most of the shadowy/unclear images are of Kate and Claire - it isn't early enough in the series to make a BIG DEAL of their relationship, it is still just a shadow of things to come.... ) I just have so much frustration for how much Jack and Sawyer NEED poor Katie to exist - more than they need her to be her own person, they need her to reflect themselves; for her to tell them what they are doing wrong/right. Kate has been described by (me) and my podcasting-newbs as a "reflection" of the people around her. I wanted to give her a space where she - and her EMOTES - were more important than Jack/Sawyer and their main!pain... or... I wanted to explore the spaces where she shines regardless of how they see her (like the scene I posted on the far right - when Jack insists that the story of the plane is about something she did wrong and not something she did right...) she is reflecting in that moment what he needs to see - but that doesn't make her pain and guilt any less real.

Good Freyia help me... fighting the urge to meta my own pic!spam choices


fandom is my girlfriend, dragon: gold, pic!spam, podcasting, lost: locke has ot3s

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