Jun 14, 2012 08:27

So there was this thing with my hand that prevented me from typing/Diablo-Squee/knitting and so I got behind in ... life.

And then there was this whole problem where I sort of just sunk into my depression and let it just wash over me for a couple weeks. Sometimes it just seems easier to let it consume, fighting for the silver lining is exhausting... especially when my brain is fighting it.

My kdrama intake has significantly slowed because subtitles are just too exhausting. However! Thanks to the wonderful world of Netflix I have found Dance Academy: Aussie ballin teenagers? Oh! the angst! It is a delightful little show and I highly suggest it to all the people.

So I've been lurking on and off, but have probably missed some incredible things. So let me know what I have missed! Tell me the amazing thing you've seen/done/read lately! Or prompt me a fic/meme to just kick me in the ass... I need to get out of my own head!!! Ask me anything! Tell me anything!

In the meantime, and to apologize for my all-around lame lame lameness: LOOK AT THE PRETTY FACES THAT I LOVE SO MUCH!

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

iz shipper, fandom is my girlfriend, dragon: gold, real life meets the internets, tv, flist hearts, lj has a tag, pic!spam, tmi: kelsey lives, drwho: a tardis and some ladies

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