Sunset 2/?

Jun 19, 2011 10:05

Outside, in the stillness that comes after a deep rain, a small family gathering took place in the dark woods, with a full moon high overhead. Their only observer was a large, black wolf snuffling unobtrusively past in pursuit of small game. Two tall, blonde, fair men with eyes like gleaming sapphires in the dim light carried within their shoulders anger, fear, anxiety; a tall woman, just as fair but with shining gold-red hair flowing about her paced back and forth between them, her hands waving about silently expressing what words could not. Eventually she stopped her pacing, sinking down onto a log next to a pale faced man with dark hair. He wrapped one arm around her and bowed his head. The eldest man had his arm around a small woman with curling dark hair that stood on end. She shrank away from the man towards a small, dark girl. The girl was almost imperceptible in the black night, her skin, hair, eyes, stature all working to keep her hidden from the unit around her, all of whom seemed to shimmer in the barest light, reflecting back the dim glow in the night sky with their shining eyes and translucent skin. She alone seemed to resist the light of the moon and stars. She turned toward the wolf, as black and as hidden as herself, and smiled towards him slyly. The group froze, following her gaze. Seconds later, a light breeze swept through the small clearing unobstructed. No figures for the breeze to caress, no wolf to breathe in the scent of sunrise in its depth.

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Tehya heaved a sigh and fell to the floor, leaning her back against the floor to ceiling mirror that made up one wall of her aunt’s dance studio. Regardless of the travel and the late “dinner” and the sleepless night, she had still woken up before nine, restless and anxious. So, she did what she nearly always did when she couldn’t sleep, threw on a leotard and headed to the nearest studio. Luckily, the only one in town was owned by her Aunt Nikki. Unluckily, Tehya therefore got roped into starting work early - helping out with the day classes mostly meant toddlers and prepubescent crying jags, and today was no different. Tehya took a long swallow from the Gatorade one of the moms had donated to her earlier in the morning and smiled to a few of the students on their way out the door. She stretched her legs out in front of her and folded over, resting her cheek on her knees.
“Days not over yet, hun. I still haven’t seen all that you can do,” her aunt smiled down at her.
Tehya groaned, “No more! I forfeit!”
Nicolette sat down next to her niece and patted her back. “You’re a doll. I can’t believe you came in so early on your first day here.” Tehya had walked through the mud to her aunt’s dance studio that morning, grabbing a hot tea from the coffee shop next door, arriving shortly after ten that morning… and right when the 3-5 toddler movement class began. She had jumped right in and didn’t realize that it was nearing three in the afternoon until the silence settled in. During the summer Nicolette planned a break between three and five every afternoon, between the younger classes and the more adult classes. It was a time that was reserved for some of the more intermediate students to warm up and help each other. It also was a nice break for Nikki and whatever random instructor/parent she had helping her in the mornings.
"You don't have to stay."
Tehya closed her eyes, her aunt sounded worried. "I want to stay, aunt Nikki. I swear. I just need... food..." She sat up and looked over at the woman frowning down at her. "I'm used to it. I worked back home... I mean, back east." She stood up and took a pair of jogging pants out of her bag, slipping them on over her footless-tights, and then throwing on a baggy, hand-knit sweater. She looked over at her aunt while she eased her bare feet into a pair of old sandals. "I'm just going to step next door for a sec, the pinks start at five, right?"
Nicolette watched her niece stand straight up, with a small satchel draped over her chest and smiled, reaching toward her for an impromptu hug. "I'm so glad you're here, sugar. Your daddy needs someone to bounce off of in that big house." Tehya smiled into her aunt's hair. Everyone was so happy to have her there... it got exhausting fast. She tore herself out of the third hug of the day, “Thanks aunt Nik - I need nourishment. I’ll be next door if you need me.”
Tehya took a large bite out of the veggie sandwich she threw together that morning and smiled at the waiter that sat down a steaming mug of tea on the table. Absorbed in her e-reader, and simultaneously avoiding her phone which seemed to never stop buzzing, she rarely noticed the tall figure standing in front of her until she heard a low chuckle above her.
“Delsin,” the sound that came gasping out of her throat was more of a sigh than a name. It just wasn’t fair, that’s what. Her life was too ridiculous. He looked like something off the cover of a cheap romance novel. He was probably a good five or six inches shy of six feet, but broad and large despite his shorter stature, with long dark hair that brushed his shoulders when not pulled back. His eyes, framed by thick black eyelashes, were dark brown with green specks.
He nodded his head to her, “Tehya. It’s good to see you.” He sat down opposite her and Tehya tried to still her heartbeat.
“I see you’re a deputy for my father now,” she nodded to his uniform and gods help her - he blushed. She blushed and looked down at her hands. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, comfortably uncomfortable… Whatever that means, she thought.
“Have dinner with me tonight.”
She looked up, not entirely startled at this proclamation, that wasn’t really a request but couldn’t possibly have been a command. “I’m not sure the sheriff would be too happy with that, my first night back,” Tehya muttered.
Delsin reached out his dark hand and covered one of her small ones with it, “Have dinner with me tonight.”
Tehya pulled her hand away, “I won’t be done with aunt Nikki ‘till eight tonight.”
Delsin nodded and stood up. “I’ll pick you up from here then.” He started walking to the door and then stopped, turned and turned around slowly. “I know you saw me last night, there’s no reason to pretend you don’t know what’s going on, Tehya.”
Tehya Raine, Age 9
Last weekend, grandpapa came for a visit with a boy who is ten years old. His great-grandpapa and my great-grandpapa were cousins (or something) and left the tribal lands in order to enlist during a very important war… I can’t remember which one. Anyway, they decided after the war to not go back and moved to the Mountain, where mamma and I were born and where daddy lives. So Delsin, that’s his name, we’re like family … kinda… only grandpapa said something about hoping we get married someday. Which is so gross. I’m going to be like mamma and never get married and live far away from grandpapa and the rest of the tribe so that it will always be me and mamma forever. Grandpapa calls me “Princess” sometimes and Delsin did the whole time he was here. Mamma said that Delsin will be the next chief when grandpapa dies. That made me sad… and confused. If I’m princess, then wouldn’t I be chief? I guess girls can’t be in charge. Maybe that’s why mamma decided to leave when I was in her tummy. Mamma made them leave before my birthday and I was glad. Last year I wanted grandpapa to come to my birthday but I was so glad that they left. Delsin can already change and it scared me. Grandpapa said that I’ll be ready next year and mamma and I cried. Delsin kissed my cheek when they left and said that he was glad that we’ll always know he was my first kiss… I kicked him and everyone laughed. I hope he doesn’t come back next year. That’s when I decided that I hope he knows that grandpapa will never die and even if that does happen, he’ll never be chief, because I’ll make them change the rules for me. I’ll be chief.

Oh yeah… and today is my birthday. I’m nine now.

Tyler is such a good friend. Like a big brother. But I miss you >>>LisaLoo<<<
Lisa and I just had coffee… ::Tyler::
I’m tired of being the big brother type. Do you think I should get a leather jacket and a motorcycle? It always works in 80s movies ::Tyler::
Lisa is so stupid!!! <3 Summer <3
Sorry S - can’t you find another guy to moon over? You three have bounced between Jason and Tyler since you were 12 - get over it @;~Tey ~;@
Tyler is a person, not a blanket for you to cry into every time you’re pissed off about Jason @;~Tey ~;@
I preferred it when you ignored me >>>LisaLoo<<<
Having a good time with Nikki? -mom
MEOW!!! Bitch! <3 Summer <3
Thanks for stressing them all out, more work for me, you know ::Tyler::
Please don’t ignore me!!! >>>LisaLoo<<<
I didn’t mean it! I love you! You’re right! And yes, I know that Ty is in love with me. Is it my fault that I’m not feelin it? >>>LisaLoo<<<
I appreciate your newfound badassness ***Maddie***
Everything okay on the Westcoast? ***Maddie***
I know this is all my fault ***Maddie***
xoxo ***Maddie***
Sorry I was at work, <3 your face M! @;~Tey ~;@
Munchkins with aunt Nik till 3! Miss you mom @;~Tey ~;@
Oh yeah, Delsin just invited me out to dinner @;~Tey ~;@
WHAT?!?!? -mom
And he’s a deputy now @;~Tey ~;@
I have a date tonight. Things are crazy. I’ll try to be online later @;~Tey ~;@
WHAT? ***Maddie***
I hate you. It’s been less than 24 hours since you LEFT >>>LisaLoo<<<
Hott stuff!! <3 Summer <3
We’ve talked it over and a pic is necessary <3 Summer <3
Check your email @;~Tey ~;@
That pic of us was taken 3 summers ago. We’ve known each other our whole lives practically @;~Tey ~;@
Lisa hates you <3 Summer <3
I know you have work, but I wanted to let you know that I called your dad to let him know about your date and to not freak out. - mom
Mom! You are a nut @;~Tey ~;@

[EDIT]:: 7/24/11 - this world grew in complexity over night and I have chosen to make some small changes. All will be revealed in time, unless you were paying super close attention, this will seem pretty much the same. Only some minor vocabulary changes were made.

fic: sunset, fic happens here, vampires today

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