SPN 3.6

Jun 21, 2011 19:17

I’ve realized that I just don’t care about the subplots - the monsters-of-the-week - I am interested in my boys and how they interact with each other. The actual episodes? Okay… but it’s the bookends (quite literally because this series has yet to integrate main and subplots effectively so generally the first and last 3-5 minutes of the episode deal with the main plot and all the stuff in the middle is generally arbitrary) which are of actual interest to me...

3.6: “Red Sky at Morning”

In the Moment
  • Ghost ship??
  • The exposition in this episode was bordering on lame... I may be bitter that Game of Thrones is out of my life for a whole year...
  • This conversation, in which Sam tells Dean that he’ll save him no matter what… doesn’t strike a cord with me, probably because he’s not a very good actor...
  • Why are all these bathrooms so pretty? Unfair. Makes me want to turn the episode off and find the channel with all the redecorators.
  • How’d that actor keep all that water in his mouth??
  • INTERESTING!!!! Bella (the feminine) is paid for her services. The Winchesters (the masculine) are not paid. The opposite of what we see in AtS and BtVS. And Bella is demonized for it.
  • Bella has ceased being annoying and trite… I’m totally interested. $5 she dies.
  • They’re awfully bitter
  • I love that in the rain, Dean suddenly grows confidant and straightens up, while Sam and Bella shrink into themselves. This is a great metaphor for something… but what exactly?
  • Nice, instead of just killing the ghost, they let it find closure.
  • Dean’s pep-talk to Sam? Sam fighting back? Nice. Dean needs to hear that he focuses too much on Sam and not on himself, and Sam needed to hear that Dean is sorry for the pain he’s caused. Too bad they don’t listen to each other.

  • Mnaw Moments!
  • “Cute, and a bit of a drama queen, yeah?” Yes, Sam is a drama queen.
  • Dean - Sam:
  • “Can I shoot her?” “Not in public.”
  • Dean - Bella:
  • “How’d you get like this? Daddy not give you enough hugs.” “I dunno - daddy give you enough?”
  • Bella:
  • “You’re a stone’s throw from a serial killer.”  we’ve seen them have this conversation before
  • Dean - Sam - Dean:
  • “You can’t save everyone, Sam.” “So what you feel better now?” “No, not really.”
  • Bella - Dean:
  • “You know when this is over, we should really have angry sex” uncomfortable, squirmy silence “Don’t objectify me.”  Oh yeah, loving the gender reversal in this episode
  • Bella:
  • “Interesting how the legend is so much more than the man.”
  • Sam:
  • “Tell me I didn’t get groped all night by Mrs. Havisham for nothing.” Dickens reference!!!
  • Dean - Bella:
  • “So ponying up ten grand is easier than a simple thank you? You are so damaged.” “Takes one to know one.”

  • Being a Girl 101
    Why are you running in the dark, with only a sports bra on?
    Be like Bella - sassy and self-sufficient.

    Why I love Dean
    Because even when Sam is yelling at him, he sticks to his guns. Yes, we all know that Sam’s life isn’t worth Dean losing his - but that is SO not the point of this show. Dean’s self-worth has been measured by himself - he is not worth as much as the people he loves. He is not as strong as Sam, or worth as much. It’s not true for me, the audience, and it’s not true for Sam - but that doesn’t make it false for Dean. Perspective is becoming more important and more interesting as the show goes on. It’s frustrating to hear Dean being told the same thing over and over, without it taking effect in his cute little noodle - but I get that we’re really still in the introductory phase, so I’ll hang in there for another season. I honestly like that impending death hasn’t dramatically affected Dean’s personality (other than the odd writer making him a horn-dog for a few minutes here and there) he is staying pretty consistent. Losing his dad (three times?) and then finding out that Sam is cursed (or whatever) can really wear down a person, so I get that he’s ready to be done. I foresee him realizing that he’s an essential part of the battle and getting some of his fire back. After having his father obviously favor Sam over him and then find out that Sam is also some mighty demon-baby-king =/= self confidence boost.

    Dean 4/5 - (-1) for not listening to Sam
    Sam 2/5 - +2 for standing up to Dean and 0 for being obnoxiously uncomfortable

    random thought, spn is about the ladies

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