i'm feeling sorta down...

Oct 17, 2005 09:07

umich this weekend = amazing as always :-)
i went to the football game on saturday and don't even know how to explain it! it was the first college football game i'd ever been to and it was sooooo exciting and amazing and great and i seriously wish i could go to every game. grades aside, my totally unrealistic dream would be to go to school there...i love that place...like, really.
apart from the game, i obviously spent lots of time with matt. just relaxing, not doing a whole lot...saturday night was a bust, but either way, i was with him so it was still great! ok, i know that sounds cheesy..but really, i love every second.
after going to stuff like the football game, and just being in ann arbor and whatnot, i'm really missing the college experience by going to oakland. and it sucks. :-/ ALOT.
gamma phi stuff yesterday started around 3 and i didn't get home til 10. it sucked..
so i'm really over it with this job because i suddenly have tons of crap to do all the time and people are just ridiculous sometimes.
i feel crappy today...maybe its just because i'm tired from the weekend...but i'm not in a good mood...good thing i get to see matt tonight before he goes back to school...he always cheers me up lots..
for once, i have like, no gamma phi stuff this week and i'm incredibly happy that i can just stay home and catch up on things i have to do...it's been way too long...and this coming weekend...for the first time in 3 weeks, i'll be HOME...soo happy...this year has seriously become the complete opposite of last year...at this point last year, i was sick of being home because i had nobody to hang out with here at home, and a temporary loss of boyfriend lol....but now i have so much to do, and i just need to stop and take a breather because it's getting crazy! my parents are going up north saturday night so maybe i'll just stay home and enjoy alone time...it doesn't happen often...plus i can't forget the MSU trip w/Melissa Lisa & Heidi on thursday & girls night on friday! :)
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