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Oct 21, 2005 07:11

ohh Friday...how i love you...
this week went by unbelievably fast...it was a fun one though, but still glad it's over..

i'm like, totally dominating in my classes right now. well, 2 of the 3 at least...it's almost pathetic how good i'm doing. i mean, this is college, but it's clear that i don't have the most difficult major in existence lol. totally got a 4.0 on my first HRD exam. karianne? 4.0? i know, it doesn't sound right. but i'm not complaining...then my 7 page paper on patriarchy that i had been stressing out about endlessly? i got that back this past tuesday and did super good so i'm really happy about that too :) however, i'm just waiting for my reality check cuz i have my philosophy midterm this coming tuesday and basically, i'm screwed. i mean, i'm gonna study don't get me wrong, but that class is killer. so dry and boring i can't stand it. but it DOES fulfill my history requirement so the way i look at it is, it's better than history. because...well, it IS.

yesterday i went to the store at MSU that sells greek stuff w/Melissa & Lauren. got some super cute stuff, unfortunately none for myself tho :( oh yeah, except for an amazing shirt that i can't wait to wear!! either way, i spent mucho more money than i was planning on, and i.am.broke. it's not helping that i have a ryan cabrera ticket to pay for, semi-formal ticket/dinner, i need jewlery for my semi-formal dress, $200 car payment, and an endless amount of other expenses. i don't know how i got thru life last year working at once upon a child. i lived on like, $200 a month...multiply that by about 4, and thats why i'm living on now...but barely.

today after work i'm going shopping with Lauren & Heidi to get some more stuff for little sisters! as if i don't have enough already! lol...but i think this is the last stop and then i'll be alllll set :) and then i can start saving money again instead of constantly spending haha
so after shopping, we're going to this girl's night thing that sounds sorta fun...it includes massages...ooh love it :) but it's with 6 of my favorite chicas so i can't wait!!

tomorrow i was so totally looking forward to just sleeping in and then having a whole entire day to relax since my parents are leaving...butttt of course babysitting never fails to come up...and i felt obligated to say yes this time...partly because i've said no like, 9 out of the last 10 times they've called me, and also because, a little extra money isn't gonna hurt, and i figure it'll help discipline me to study and not go out or watch tv all night...

sunday is going to be another long busy day with gamma phi...i was so convinced it would all die down after recruitment! but it looks like my sundays are going to be insane from here on out to december...but hey, it could be worse...

speaking of gamma phi beta...nevermind...if you've talked to me lately, you know what i'm talking about. UGH.

i cleaned my room the other day. i hadn't cleaned my room in weeks. right, it seems lame that i'm writing about cleaning my room, but it made me SO HAPPY. living in a clean room just makes me feel better :) so..yay for that haha

i want to get an apartment so bad. with who, i don't know...but i still want to. as much as i'm really comfortable being at home, i need to move out eventually, and there are times when i wish i'd be on my own more than ever. i can't afford it though. i know theres no chance in the world that my parents would ever help me out in paying for it, even tho they want me to move out. so basically, i'm stuck. and i'm sad, because i really think i'll get more of the college experience by living away from home for a couple years....oooh i want that more than anything :( i don't think i'll get it tho...

my professor for my monday night class cancelled it on halloween. ohhh that made me SO happy. now i can go to my cousin's house and see the little ones get ready for trick or treating! i love it... :)

on the down side, i STILL don't have plans for halloween weekend!! that friday night lauren and kendall are going to halloweekends at cedar point...but considering i don't like rollercoasters that much, and with my money situation, i decided not to go...then saturday, yeah...nothin to do...and i havent gotten a costume or anything because it'd be a waste if i end up with nowhere to go!! so...thats my current dilemma

and on the side, can i just say i'm jealous of matt and the cool parties his house has that i'm not invited to? whattt the heck.

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