White chocolate vs Dark chocolate - chapter 3

Aug 26, 2015 22:16

Title: White chocolate vs Dark chocolate

Author: kuroyukisama_17

Pairing: Hikaru X Daiki | Inoo x Daiki | Daiki x OC

Genre: AU, BL, fluff, slight angst

Rating: PG-13

Chapter 3

The road to the school is filled with student from different kind of school, middle and high school. Inoo is one of them, he walked slowly while watching other student. Inoo tilt his head when he see a student that look like Daiki walking not far ahead of him. “Dai-chan? Eh, but why is he alone?” Inoo said while focusing his view to that boy. When Inoo is sure that he’s Daiki, he shouted toward him and waved his hand.

“Dai-chan! Ohayo!”

Daiki turned his body to behind when he heard the call and quickly spotted Inoo, so he waved his hand too. “Yo!” He greeted him back.

Inoo run a little to catch up with Daiki, when he finally standing beside Daiki, they walk together to school.

“Alone today?”

Daiki lifted his eyebrow; “What did you mean by that?”

Inoo shrugged his shoulder lightly. “Well, I thought I’ll catch you going to school together with a Senpai. I was anticipating to see it with my own eye’s.” Inoo said nonchalantly.

“With a Senpai? How did you know?” Daiki asked in shock. Well, he didn’t tell anything about him going to school with Hikaru, so how did Inoo figure it out? “Do you actually have some kind of hidden power?” He asked more.

Inoo frown and shaking his head. “No way, I’m completely normal!” He said while making an x sign with his hand. “Well, I heard some student from the other class talked about it.”

“Heh~~ souka… so that is how you know it.” Daiki replied while nodding his head light.

“Oh come on~ that is not the issue here!” Inoo slapped Daiki back. He bring himself closer toward the latter and whispered to him. “So who is that lucky Senpai?”


“Eh?” Inoo blinked his eyes twice. He look so surprise and froze for a few second.

“Why look so shocked? It’s nothing special to be brag about. I always walk with Hika during middle school.”

“Dai-chan!” Inoo shouted Daiki’s name while grabbed his arms. “It’s Hikaru Senpai that we were talking now! The student council members…”

“Tcks!” Daiki rolled his eyes annoyed. He swat Inoo hand’s away from his arm. “Student council or not, Hika will always be the same Hika that I know. He won’t ignore me just because I’m not standing on the same level as him.” Daiki leave Inoo and walk ahead. Seriously, what is so good with being the student council member? They are just normal people like me right!

Realizing that he just make Daiki angry, Inoo hurriedly running to catch up with his friend. “Dai-chan gomennasai! I shouldn’t have said like that to you… gomen.” Inoo grab Daiki right hand to make him stop walking. “I’m sorry okay, please don’t get mad at me.” Inoo pleaded softly. “Oh come on Dai-chan~ don’t be like this with me…”

Daiki turned around with a pout on his lips. “I forgive you…”

“Yatta!” Inoo exclaimed happily. He skipped a little while walking to the school with Daiki on his side, chuckling watching his excessively cheerful-self.


“So why are you going to school alone today?” Inoo asked Daiki after they arrived at their class and sit on their own seat.

“He have to go check on his club room.”

“Hmm… so which club is he in?”

“hehe~ I forgot to ask him;” Daiki replied slowly while rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m kind of slow in thing like this…”

“Yup, I know… and sometimes a little stupid too.” Inoo replied in a flat tone and then sigh. Well, he won’t blame Daiki; not like they run out of time, there is still next time to ask Yaotome Hikaru about that. He won’t admit it to Daiki, but since Daiki talked about this one Senpai so much, Inoo become interested in knowing him more. So he started doing some spying and research.

So that is what make him so feel weird. Because due to his research, Hikaru was not in any club before. But why did he Daiki said that Hikaru-senpai was going to his club? Did he lie to him? But why? Something is not right here, I need to investigate more.

“Oi Inoo-chan, did you hear me?” Daiki snapped his finger in front of Inoo’s face.

“Ah, yes! What?” Inoo quickly turned his head toward Daiki. “Umm, what did you said?”

“Mou… what were you thinking Inoo-chan? I said that I have a free time after school today, how about showing me your new song?”

“Oh okay, but first I need to stop by at the club. Today is going to be my first time entering the music club, so I need to introduce myself.”

“Okay, I’ll wait you at our classroom.”



Inoo footstep echoed along the corridor. He is excited to enter the music club. Since he was in middle school, he never interested in any club except that one. Well, maybe because music have become one with himself. He was born with a father who work as a musical conductor and a mother who once was a famous pianist. Inoo is like his mother, he love piano and dreamed to be a famous pianist in the future.

But something have completely stopped his step. In one of the classroom Inoo walked pass by, there is Yaotome Hikaru, sitting alone in a corner near the windows at the back of the class. Inoo furrowing his eyebrow and walk closer to the door. Hikaru is not conscious about Inoo there, stalking him because he is actually sleeping. His head is on the desk and the windows is slightly opened. The air that come in from the windows make his bangs to waved a little. Inoo crossed his hands.

“See, if he really is a member of any club in this school, he won’t be sleeping here.” Inoo voiced out his thought. “So that mean Dai-chan lied to me?” He said more, this time his voice is a little low and his face showed that he is a little sad. But why?

“Umm, can I help you?”

Inoo hurriedly turned his head to his side. He gasped, the person who just greeted him was a Senpai from third year and more importantly is that he is also a member of student council, Takaki Yuya. Crap! I’m doomed!! Inoo slowly parted his body from the door and make a few step backward. “Umm, gomennasai! I didn’t do anything!” Inoo bowed his body in front of him. He is ready to run away but that Senpai stopped him from doing that.

“Don’t go, relax… I just ask if I can help you. I’m not mad, there is no reason for me to punish you.”

“A…arigato, Takaki Senpai.” Inoo thanked him before he could sighed gladly. Good that Takaki Yuya didn’t accuse him as a stalker. That might put him in trouble is he didn’t thought him like that.

“So, what can I help you? Ah, do you want to meet with Hikaru? I can call him.” Yuya said and is about to get inside the classroom and wake up the person in there.

“No!” Inoo pulled the back of his blazer stopping Yuya and saving himself from an indefinite trouble. “I didn’t want to see him. I just happen to found him sleeping and stopped a while.”

“Oh, okay then.” Yuya drew back his step and standing back in front of his kouhai. “But, if I’m not mistaken… I realized that yesterday you were stalking Hikaru too right. Are you… maybe, ummm… his fan?” Yuya guessed. This is not the first time Yuya caught a student stalking his friend. So it’s not wrong if he guessed that Inoo is also one of Hikaru fan.

“No, no, no…. I’m not his fan. Not at all!” Inoo denied it while shaking his head frantically. “I’m doing this for someone, a friend of mine…”

“Oh, and that friend of your… he is Hikaru fan? Hmmm…” Yuya hummed and nodding his head.

“He is not really his fan… umm, oh my~ I shouldn’t tell you that.”

“But are you sure that he’s not mistaken Hikaru as Hikari? Well, that happen a lot for first year student. There is still a lot of thing they need to discover about this school.” Yuya said and then patted Inoo shoulder lightly. “Good luck. But let me tell you something…” Yuya whispered at Inoo ears.

“Tell your friend to just give up; if he really like Hikaru then he better stop hoping for a happy ending.”

Inoo tilt his head, he is a little shocked to hear that. It is a big prove that Yaotome Hikaru already have someone he like, or… actually he is not interesting in his kouhai.

“Okay, bye…” Yuya smiled and walk away. He waved his hand toward Inoo as like he know that Inoo is currently looking at his back.

Inoo glanced for the last time at Yuya back figure before he disappeared after make a turn at the end of the corridor and then started to make a small step, leaving Hikaru class. He still need to stop by at his clubroom. His mind is full with Daiki. He is thinking, what will happen to Daiki if he tell him what Yuya just told him. It definitely will broke his heart and hell! He won’t do that.

“I’ll just keep it myself. Yeah, that is the best now…” Inoo said confidently. He take a deep breath and slowly sliding the door to the clubroom open.

When he open the door, the first time Inoo see is a tall guy with dark black hair, standing while his body is supported by the wall behind him. He is smiled toward Inoo so he greeted him. “Konnichiwa”

“Welcome to the music club, may I know your name first?”

“Inoo kei desu!”

“I’m Haruma miura, a third year student. Nice to meet you, Inoo-kun.” He give Inoo another smile.

Inoo bowed his body. “Glad to be a part of this club!” Inoo exclaimed. He lifted up back his body, that earlier Senpai is stilling holding his smile. But that smile is not enough to capture his heart; the reason why Inoo find him first is the place where he standing. Haruma miura is standing in front of a wall, with a window on his right and left side; the sun ray is beaming brightly through the transparent glass and making the person who standing in between the two of its looking shining and standing out so much than the other members in the room.

Inoo turned his gaze away from him because the light start to hurt his eyeball. “Are you the president?”

“Nope! The president is right there.” Miura pointed his index finger to a corner and Inoo head follow his lead. “Yo Hikari! There’s another new recruit here!”

At first Inoo can’t clearly see his face but when he stand up from his seat and walk toward him, Inoo eyes goes white and his feet unconsciously make a few step backward. “What? No way…”


Daiki drink his juice while his other hand hold the pencil and scribbling on his notebook. He got a lot of time while waiting for Inoo to finish his club activities, so he’s using the free time to do his homework. His earphone is plugged on his ears. Since he’s alone there in his class, he need something to make him stay awake. Daiki hummed softly the lyric for the song that is playing currently.

Daiki is too focus on his work and he is not aware that a pair of eyes is watching him from outside of the class through the door that slightly open.

“This is the first time I saw you being interested in someone else than Yama-chan.”

“Shut up!” The guy replied and moved back a few step. “What wrong with that grin on your face!” He asked his friend who is leaning his body to the door and grinning widely.

“Hee… I doubt about what you say. You won’t stop if you’re not interested with that guy. Do you know him, Hikaru?”

Hikaru isn’t answering his question but instead, he glanced toward Daiki. “Nothing, he just remind me of someone… don’t tell anyone about this, especially Yama-chan. Do you understand Yuya?”

“Hai, hai…” Yuya nodded his head lightly. “Lets go;” He said and start make his step away from that class. Sometime, he will glance at Hikaru beside him, wondering what he is thinking now. That look he show earlier toward that kouhai was a bid evident to prove that there was something between them that Hikaru doesn’t to tell him. His eyes won’t deceive him, he could feel it; that, that unknown boy was special.

But he’s aware that asking Hikaru won’t kill his curiosity. The latter won’t share his secret with him. so I guess, I need to fine the truth myself then…


Hikari yawned while walking toward his locker. The club meeting finished early but he can’t go home after that since he need to work on some paperwork. Hikari take his shoe’s out and headed toward the exit way.

“Wait.” Hikari stopped. His younger twin brother is stopping him. He have his back leaned to his locker; “We need to talk.” He added more.

“Ah, okay… we can talk while walking right.”


The twins walked side by side; the school ground already deserted from people so one is actually watching them. It is the first time the twins walked together inside the school area. It always be a rule for both of them, to not be found sticking to each other; though that they are twin brother, the world spin differently for both of them. and they like it that way…

“So what do you want to ask me?” Hikari asked him.

“You never told Daiki about us right; all this time, he only know one name and one person… and that person is me, Yaotome Hikaru.”

“Does it bother you?” He stopped on his track to glance at his younger brother who is also looking at him.

“So much! It’s annoying me whenever he thought you as me and what more annoying is whenever he shout my name and get hurt whenever I didn’t look at him. You should have properly told him the truth!” Hikaru stated his thought out loud. He have been holding back all this time and obediently follow his brother request. He almost forgot why did he did that at first. But who care! Now he just want his life back.

“Arioka Daiki is already entering high school and he’s attending our school. There’s no need for my help anymore. Now it’s completely your problem nii-san, I already said that I won’t interfere; but he keep on bothering me!” Hikaru crossed his arms and sighed. He need to solve this now or it will be to late later.

“Oh come on!” Hikari chuckles and lightly slapped Hikaru’s back. Probably trying to cheer up his upset brother. Well, it was obviously his fault that Hikaru come to him to let out his complain and confessed his unsatisfied feeling. “Sorry if I have trouble you;” He sincerely apologize and craved a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning to keep this a secret. I just wait for the perfect time to tell him everything. And when that time come; I promise you that he won’t say your name anymore or bother you…”

“Do as you like; it didn’t concern me anymore…” Hikaru replied coldly.

Hikari patted two time on his shoulder before he turn ahead and started walking again. “He’ll be mine…” He whispered slowly to himself followed with a tiny smirk on his lips. Like I don’t know your secret my little brother…



“Eh, huh?! What?” Inoo snapped when he heard Daiki shouted his name. He quickly turned his head toward him. “Umm… did you just said something?” He asked hesitated

Daiki creased his forehead and his lips formed a pout. “You seem to be off, what’s wrong? You have been like this since going back from your club meeting.”

“Oh, I’m sorry… I just thought about something.”

“Did something happened there?”

A memory of what happened in the clubroom come attacking his mind making Inoo to gasped and his eyes goes wide. He quickly shake his head to shake off that memory from his mind. “No! Nothing!” He exclaimed, denying Daiki’s question.

“Hmm…” Daiki lifted up one of his eyebrow showing that he’s doubting it that Inoo is telling the true.

“”Tcks! oh come on~ it’s true...” Inoo clicked his tongue and rolled his eyeball. “it just a normal meeting; nothing weird happened.” Inoo added more, depending his words.

“Yeah, yeah…”


“I’m sorry that we could hang out today.”

“It’s okay.” Daiki shake his head lightly. “I understand, send my regard to your mom kay.”

“I sure will, next time I’ll make sure that I really have a free time before I invited you. And asked mom to bake some cookies too.” Inoo said while showing Daiki his thumb ups.

Daiki chuckled watched his bestfriend. “Bye…” He said and waved his hand toward Inoo who’s heading toward the other side of the road with his.

His house is just not far away from where he’s not. Daiki take a small step while slowly singing his favorite songs along the way. What is the purpose of quickly going home if there’s no one will be there to accompany him?

“I wonder what time will mom goes home tonight?” Daiki questioning himself and then shrugging his shoulder. Well there’s no answer for that. The time for his mother to be at home is unpredictable; thanks to her work.

Before Daiki reach his house, as usual and like every day; he’ll walk pass Hikaru first. And today something have make him to be so happy. Daiki saw Hikaru just about to open the gate to his house.

“HIka!” Daiki shouted and waved his hand while jumping a little. His voice is loud enough for Hikaru to hear him. The latter is turning his head toward his direction. And something have stiffening him.

Hikaru didn’t wave back but instead, he smiled to him. a smile that Daiki have longed for since after he graduated from middle school until the first day he got accepted in his high school now. An honest smile coming from the person he loved so much. A smile that could tell that this Hikaru was the same Hikaru he knows before…

“Oi Hikaru, what are you doing there? come inside!” Hikari shouted when he realize that Hikaru is still standing at the gate. He creased his forehead. “To who are you smiling at?” He asked him.

“No one;”


A/N: finally.... I posted this chapter. huu~~~

a little announce for YutoYama fanzs *if they read this story...*

I'm not able to update any YutoYama fan-finc for now, all of it is on a long hiatus *I don't know until when...*

this is happening because of various reason, and most of it is because of my little free time; my livejournal maybe going to be filled with other pairing than YutoYama, haaaa~~~~ it's frustrating me so much *A*~~ so until I recover, I'm going to update story that is not related with YutoYama, this one and some HikaNoo also TakaNoo...

oh well, please enjoy reading and forgive me if you found any weird words of mistake... I didn't have enough hand to reread it.

*comment are very welcome~~

arioka daiki, inoo kei, pairing: hikadai, type: chaptered, rating: pg-13

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