Twisted Fate

Sep 08, 2015 16:05

Title: Twisted Fate

Author: kuroyukisama_17

Pairing: Inoo x Yuya | Inoo x Daiki

Genre: AU, BL, fluff

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Inoo is a normal college student, with a normal life; but since he date Takaki Yuya, things are gradually changed around him including his own bestfriend. It’s a mystery why Daiki hate Yuya so much, and a confession after one kiss? Is this a fairy tale love?

The start of my twisted life

“I don’t wanna go!”

“Oh come on~ don’t be such a jerk and move your ass off of this bed Inoo-chan!”

“No… not gonna move~”

“Damn it!”

Daiki cursed annoyingly. He can’t make Inoo to get up from his bed and go to the class. Since that incident when the latter accidently making fool of himself in front of his own crush; Inoo refuse to go out from their share house. Because the latter is aware, if he goes to college … he will meet him. But study is important!!

“Inoo-chan if you still refuse to get out… I don’t have any choice but to talk this matter to your mother.” Daiki said; giving Inoo a threat so that he will give up and go with him.

And yeah! He did it- when Inoo heard ‘his mom’ words split out from Daiki mouth; he immediately turn his head toward the latter and jolted up from his bed. “Wait!” He stopped Daiki. “I’ll go… just, don’t tell my mom okay!” Inoo said; he don’t wanna get scolded by his mom.

“Good… now hurry up or we will miss Prof. Kamenashi class.” Daiki said and walk to the door first.


Inoo look at his left and right before he take a sit on an empty table at the cafeteria. Save~ he thought. Daiki is still buying his food and he’s sitting alone there; he don’t know why but he suddenly feel chill- “Hey!” Inoo almost jumped out of his seat when someone touches his shoulder.

“Dai-chan you freak me out!!” He exclaimed and Daiki can only roll his eyes and take the sit next to him.

“You’re acting stupid Inoo-chan; you just make yourself look like a fool. Stop it!”

“I can’t! I just feel so embarrassed! Urgh!! Why did I do that in front of him!?” Inoo groan in frustration. If he’s more caution that time, definitely he won’t act like this now. “I don’t wanna face him~” He said slowly.

Daiki can only face-palming himself. “Well, you still didn’t tell me the whole accident. Wanna tell me now?”


Inoo was walking between the bookshelves while reading a book. He stopped in front of one shelves and look up. There was a book there that he need for his assignment. However, the book was a little bit higher from his reach and its force Inoo to stand on his toes to get it. “Just a little bit…” Inoo whispered while trying hard to get the book. He sighed relive when finally his hand touches the book and bring it down.

Inoo flip the page one by one while walking to the table and his mouth mumbled some words he read in the book. When he walked pass the last row of the bookshelves before he reach his table, Inoo catch a figure sitting with his back rested on the shelves. As soon as he recognize who is it; Inoo gasped and immediately froze. When he realize that, that person is not moving, Inoo bring himself two step forward. “Oh, he’s asleep…” Inoo said.

Suddenly an idea to come closer come rushing through his smart head. Just when Inoo is about to make a step, his heart stopped him from doing so.

Don’t do it…

But I want to see his face

What will happen if suddenly he wake up? you will be so embarrassed because have been caught staring at him when he was asleep.

But… oh come on~ it just for a few second. He will never know.

If this person in front of him is not his crush, Inoo won’t be so desperate to get closer. Because a chance like this won’t come easily; because he and Inoo is different, they live in a different world, hang out with a different people; in short, there are a lot of different between them.

Inoo kneeled in front of him. His eyes fall on this guy bang which is covering half of his eyes. He move his eyes lower; there a book on his lap, judging from the opened page, it is a book about science. A smile suddenly bloom on Inoo lips. He will never got chance like this ever again. “Kawai…” He whispered slowly. “I love you…” Inoo added and chuckles, it feel funny to confess to someone who is sleeping. It just a useless words, his crush didn’t hear it and he won’t even know it.

But his happiness ended when Inoo realize that He should get up now and leave him. He doesn’t want to be labeled as creepy or stalker by his own crush if he wake up and found Inoo staring at him. Inoo make a final glance at his face before he get up.

Inoo holding tight his book and slowly proceeding to go away from his crush. But suddenly, he lost his balance and fall backward. He’s not clumsy, he’s sure that he stand perfectly. But the fact that make him to fall was that guy, suddenly moved and pulled his hand.

Not enough with that, Inoo landed perfectly on his lap and a second later his lips is claimed by him. Inoo eyes goes open wide, he try to push him away but unfortunately, his body is getting weaker due to the sudden kiss.

Inoo breathed heavily when finally the rough kiss ended. The kisser yawn and stretched his arm up on the air before he move his eyes to look at Inoo. “Eh?” He blinked his eyes twice. “Oh my… I’m sorry, I thought you’re someone else!” He exclaimed in panic.

Wait, what do he mean by that? It was my first kiss for god sake!!  Inoo gritted his teeth and shake his head slowly. “It’s okay…” He said and then get up. His body wobbled a little but he manage to support himself by pressing the shelves. “I need to go now…” Inoo excuse himself and trying hard to not running but walking fast so that he won’t realize that he was actually freaked out.

-End of flashback-


“Hey!” Inoo jumped a little when suddenly Daiki slammed his palms on the table. And thanks to that, now the whole cafeteria is looking at them. But it didn’t stop Daiki’s rage.

“Where’s that playboy! I’ll kill him for ya’!!” Daiki shouted and look around. “Damn he’s not here!” He slammed his palms again before he sit back on his chair.

Inoo can only look down; he’s aware that Daiki is mad on his behalf but… it’s so embarrassing when other people is watching them. This matter will going to be a topic for other student in the campus. “I know that you’re mad but, can’t you make it quietly? Everyone is watching us!” Inoo scolded Daiki.

“Sorry, I just can’t control myself.” Daiki apologize and take a breath to calm himself. “He’s a jerk… no doubt.” He added. “Still going to love him?” Daiki glance at Inoo. The latter is lowering his head while his finger playing with the straw of his orange juice.

Inoo sigh, “I don’t know… it wasn’t clearly all his fault and also not fully my fault. So it’s wrong to put all the blame on him.

“Yeah I know!” Daiki raised his voice. His eyes are focused on Inoo; “He mistook you of someone else right? So that mean he’s already attached to someone. It’s useless to love someone who is impossible to be owned.”

“I know…” Inoo said, and crave a smile. “But I love him, I can’t simply kill this feeling.”


Inoo going back alone without Daiki. That guy have to stop by at the library and since Inoo is in charge of cooking today, he going home first and he plan to stop at a convenience store to buy the ingredients for their dinner.

“Hey stop!”

Inoo startle when suddenly someone pulled him backward. He quickly turned his head to his back and found the guy he wish not to see looking at him, hand on his arm. “Its red light, you can’t cross over yet!” He scolded him.

Inoo look at in front of him, indeed, it’s red. The road is packed with vehicles passing by. Lucky that he was pulled, or else… he might be at the hospital now if he survive. “T-thanks…” Inoo thanked him and trying to pray off his arm from his hand. “Can you let go, my arm feel hurt.”

“Ops! My bad!” He quickly release his grip.

Inoo turn his body to the road. He can’t face him. Just thinking that he’s standing behind him, making his heart beating like crazy.  It suddenly feel so hot there and he almost can’t breathe normally. He’s lucky that yesterday he didn’t meet him, but not today. Oh I hope he didn’t try to speak with me…


Damn! Inoo take a slow breath and look back with an obviously fake smile. “Yes?”

“I really sorry about that time…”

“It’s okay… I already forget about it.”

“Souka…” He nodded his head lightly. Inoo found that it is awkward, so he quickly turn back and wait for the green light.

Inoo take a left turn and heading toward the convenience store there, it was his and Daiki usual place. Inoo fastening his pace, when he realize that they are still together. When Inoo enter the store he did the same thing. He thought of stepping out and going to another store, but if he turn around, he’ll face him so… he force himself to shop there.

“Buying something for dinner?”

“Eh, ah… yeah…”

“Did you cook it yourself?”


Inoo take whatever he found at the shelves. He need to get out fast; the longer he stay, the worse his heart will be. He was overwhelmed with happiness and restless in the same time. He’s happy that he could talk with him but he’s uncomfortable because each time he saw his face, he remember that kiss.

“What’s your name?”

“Kei, Inoo kei…”

“I’m Yuya, Takaki Yuya…”

“I know,”

“Really? Great!” He exclaimed happily.

Inoo lift up his eyebrow, it is that great to be acknowledged? Everyone in college know you…

“So, wanna be my boyfriend?”

Inoo almost stumble forward when he hear that. “Heh?!” He blink his eyes. Slowly he turn his head to look at Yuya. The latter is smiling widely at him. No way… I can’t believe this! Inoo thought and quickly shake his head. “No, and leave me alone…” Inoo take a few step away when Yuya trying to reach him.

“Go away you creep!” Inoo shouted to him and run away.


“You did what?!”

“I run…”

Daiki grab Inoo shoulder tightly. “Inoo-chan good job!” He said. “That is what you should do… it will teach him that not everyone is easy to catch!” Daiki said confidently.

“But, I feel a little hurt when I said that to him. Maybe I should apologize…”



“No but; never apologize Inoo-chan. It’s not your fault. Everyone else would be freak out too if suddenly someone come at them and asked them to be their lover. No matter how you see it; it’s weird.”

“Umm;” Inoo responded slowly while nodding his head a little. He will not apologize, but it’s not wrong right; if he thought that Yuya is not joking and he did tell the true. If he really do want Inoo to be his boyfriend, will he give a positive respond? Indeed that it’s something that he always dream to happen but, a confession after one kiss, moreover, it just an accident… Inoo can’t help but to doubt too.

“It is best to stay away from him… I’ll protect you.”

“Thanks Dai-chan;”


“Wait, why did you run away?” Yuya trying hard to catch up with Inoo who is suddenly running away the second their eyes meet each other. He’s amaze that Inoo is actually a fast runner. But he know he’s faster. “Stop, I need to talk to you!” Yuya shouted.

Inoo stopped at a corner to hide himself. He hold his knee as he panting hard. He doesn’t want to meet him. Inoo was afraid; he’s afraid if suddenly Yuya will said that he’s just joking around and apologize. Though that he didn’t plan to accept, but it will still hurt him.

“Gotcha!” Yuya appear from behind Inoo and grab his arms. This time, Inoo can’t run away. Yuya is holding his arm tightly. “Kei! Listen to me!”

Inoo face blushes a little when he heard Yuya calling him by his first name. Inoo trying hard to not look at Yuya, he turned his head to his side and close his eyes tightly. Oh, how he regret it… why did he do that to him that time; if he didn’t do that, things like this won’t happen.

“I won’t let you escape this time;” Yuya said as he hold Inoo chin to make the latter to face him. Without any warning, Yuya lean forward and kiss Inoo on his lips.

Inoo eyes opened wide, Yuya have kissed him; twice! And it’s enough to stir up his feeling and doubt. Without Inoo realize it; his hand already circling Yuya’s head and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Does this mean I agree? Oh whatever~ Inoo shrug off his thought and focusing on the kiss.

A smile formed on Yuya’s lips when he realize that Inoo start to respond to his kiss. His mind only think of one thing… he own this guy now;


“I’ll see you again soon…”

“Umm, okay.” Inoo nodded his head lightly.

Yuya flashed his reassuring smile and patted Inoo head, ruffling his soft brown hair. “Ja nee…” He say his farewell and wait until Inoo enter his house before leaving.

When Inoo get inside; his can’t keep his overwhelmed happiness anymore and shouted out loud. He feel so happy. Finally his feeling is returned. Inoo skipping to the living room and run into Daiki who is currently watching the TV.

“What’s wrong?” Daiki asked him.

Inoo join Daiki in the living room. He take a deep breathe before telling Daiki what just happened to him.

“I dated Takaki Yuya…”

The pieces of chip fall from his finger. Daiki eyes when wide and he jump out from the couch to face his bestfriend. He can’t believe it; after all the advice he gave him, at the end Inoo choose to accept Takaki Yuya. Is he crazy!? “Inoo! Tell me that you’re just joking!” Daiki shake his arm hardly.

Inoo lowered his head. Slowly, he nodding his head. When he accepted Yuya in his life; he already can see this coming; he know Daiki won’t agree. The latter are just thinking about his bestfriend happiness, and Inoo is totally aware of it. That’s why he didn’t yell back or protest when Daiki said not to give up and accept Yuya. But his heart is weak; though that his mind already trying so hard to not give up, his heart is easy to disobey it….

Inoo can feel Daiki hand loosening from his arms. When he look up, the latter is looking at his with a pair of disbelieve eyes. And it hurt Inoo… clouding his mind with riddle and confusedness; sometime, and in time like this… Inoo will start to questioning, why Daiki hate Takaki Yuya so much? He don’t think because that guy have date a lot of people before is the reason… there must be something else.

“He said that he really love me… and I can feel it; that he’s sincere. Why can’t you just agree Dai-chan? What is wrong with you? Why did you hate Yuya so much?” Inoo ask Daiki, his voice was raised a little but he didn’t shout. He doesn’t want to make Daiki think that he’s mad at him.

Daiki bite his lower lips… why he hate Yuya? He doesn’t hate him. Okay, maybe a little but he have his reason. And he can’t tell Inoo about it. “It doesn’t concern you!” Daiki stated and flee away from the living room, to his bedroom and shut the door. Inoo know that it’s useless to speak with Daiki now, so he will let him alone to calm himself.

Inoo touched the cold door. “I’m sorry if I have make you mad, if you’re feeling better… don’t hesitate to come out for dinner. I’ll be preparing it now.” Inoo said toward the door before his excuse himself to the kitchen.


Inoo gaze toward the entrance path he’s hoping that Daiki will be there, stalking him when he’s preparing their dinner. At least that will assure his heart that Daiki is not sulking with him anymore. It leave an uncomfortable feeling each time they fight like this. They are rarely fight each other. Inoo family and Daiki family have known each other for a quite long time, and they have been a very good friend since their younger ages.

After Inoo finish preparing the food, he think of going back to Daiki’s room. But when he’s about to walk out from the kitchen, Daiki appeared out of nowhere, startling him and making him to take a few step behind.

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. It’s your love life, I shouldn’t have been concern so much about with it. I’m afraid of losing you; you’re my bestfriend Inoo… more like my brother, the only brother I have. I’m afraid that you’ll forget about me when you started date him.” Daiki confessed. Inoo and him have been together too long, he’s the only reliable family he have here.

Inoo smile and slowly ruffling Daiki’s hair. He glad that finally Daiki come out and apologize. “I’s okay… trust me, I’ll never leave your side even after I officially dated Yuya. This will stay the same between us. Nothing will change.”


“come, let eat our dinner, it’s getting cooler.”




A/N: Hey guy! this is a new chaptered fan-fiction from me... this time it's TakaNoo time, spice up with InooDai cuteness... haha;

Enjoy! and please tell me your thought... its is a quite mess up first chapter right? huuu~~~ ^^

pairing: takanoo, type: chaptered, pairing: inoodai, rating: pg-13

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