May 21, 2014 20:17
So.... I've been cycling these past couple of days. Its been pretty enjoyable, but man do my legs feel like lead. so far I've been doing some cycling along with some intense cardio. I love the oxygen intake afterwards. I had planned to do the same today like I've been doing these past couple of days with the exception of doing some lunges and ab work too. Sadly my legs are too exhausted to even do a set of lunges. T_T perhaps I might try again once I build up a bit more endurance. Maybe in a few days, or perhaps later today... we'll see. The day is not over yet. XD
Lets see... if only I could add a spread sheet to this I would share the data on my cyclocomputer. oh well. haha, we'll leave it as is. My diet has been going along pretty well too. I don't deprive myself and I do eat whatever strikes my fancy. I just don't eat it in excess. Surprisingly my hunger impulse has been quite diminished lately. I think it must be the warming weather. Winter always makes me perpetually hungry. And sleepy. XD I could say the same for my sleeping pattern. My sleep pattern has always been messed up do to the changing schedule of my job, but lately I've been running on about 4-6 hrs of sleep. I wonder why? Today I had the chance to sleep in but instead my eyes were wide open at around 8:40-ish. No alarm involved. Sometimes I freak myself out at the things that my body does. Sleepy yet? not really. Yesterday I pretty much was awake a full 24 hrs. XD well... I may have Dozed off for a few minutes here and there but meh. I had fun.
You know, after typing this I feel like my legs might be able to take another round. XD "Ding Ding!" round 2. I think I'll at least try to do a set or two of lunges. But first, I'll go and make myself a pot of tea. I have not had my tea of the day. Which tea? Chrysanthemum tea. Its delicious if you've never tried it. oh and FYI, I like my tea straight. I rarely sweeten it. And if I do its sweetened with honey. But only a little. 6_^
Well, I better get going. Time does fly when you are having a good time after all. XD
Until next time, have a good day! ^_^]
PS. Tea of day (Planning) - Chrysanthemum tea. XD