Day of rest

May 22, 2014 16:37

Yeah... as the title states, today I'll be taking a break from workouts and just use this time to let my muscles recuperate. hehe, I'm so sore I can barely make it up stairs to my room. XD I'm ok. I'm ok. Its normal. I'll eventually get my body in a condition in which a little soreness is nothing. XD

Anyways, although this is day of rest for my muscles, I've been keeping myself rather busy with other matters. One of those being cleaning out my closet. I had done some spring cleaning a couple months back, but I still had some stuff left over to revise and evaluate as to whether keep it or get rid of it. I got rid of quite bit, but among all that pile of stored up trash I found some interesting things from my youth. Where did my younger mind and heart go? I feel as if I'd been asleep for a long time and am once again starting to find myself. Here are a couple of things I'd written then which I'd completely forgotten about:

Out of dream, clear in the day.
Crystal shapes, water's play.
Firefly sky, what spirits say.
Midnight song, your name I say.

Castle in the clouds at water's edge.
Place where clouds come down to watery rest
and the birth place of great Cumulus clouds.
Castle in the sky with rumbling clouds,
home of the dragon people.
Watcher of the deep blue sea.

This may have not be the best things I've ever written, but something about them that awakens something within me. ^_^ I'm being weird again. Please don't mind me.

Anyways, on with what I was going to say. I'm done with the physical aspect of cleaning. Now I just gotta perform surgery on my old desk top PC and extract all my old data. Well, at least what I want to keep. I'll be wiping out the rest of the hard drive before I can pass the machine on to better hands. Hehe, it was a good machine. I'd had it for about a decade. It still works but its not strong enough to perform at today's "normal standards". Lots of memories reside in it. Plenty of good ones and some bad ones. Mostly good ones though. XD Well I better get too it. I've got gigabytes upon gigabytes of data to transfer and back up.

Until next time, stay safe and have a good one.


PS. Tea of the Day: Inca Rose. It is an interesting blend of earl grey and rose essence with other floral notes. A good waker upper.

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