сегодня с трудом дождалась 10-ти вечера: времени когда выкладывают фото-отчет из лагеря на фейсбук. На одном фото таки нашла Мишу! Не зареван, в чистой одежде, пробует фехтовать. Отлично! он пробует что-то новое!
Dear Michael!
Do you know that Camp Woodland is the hottest camp in the world?
It's so hot that campers take turns sitting in each other's shadows! ;)
How is my favorite 11-year old son doing at camp? I hope you are having fun and meeting new friends.
Have you tried new sports? I found your picture online in a fencing uniform! Your posture looks natural. I think your dad will be impressed when you tell him that you learned a bit of fencing!
We had a lot of rain today. It was so dark in the morning that we all got confused and had slept until after 10. So Masha missed her gymnastics and Daniel went to his preschool almost at lunch.
Birds are doing fine, Trombosha learned how to eat from his bowl standing in it with his both feet.
I hope the food at camp is good and the bugs aren't too bad - don't forget that you have special bug-repelling bracelets. And just in case, you have sneakers - it is not mandatory to wear crocs all the time :).
I love you to the moon and back! have a very special day!