"i've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"

Sep 12, 2004 22:18

Hello everybody.. FRIENDS REPLY- (hi Dr Nick!!!)

so i had a wonderful day today... i don't know what the hell happened but i am glad it did... I had so much fun with Haley today. we were so bored sitting around the house so we decided to go to the park, it was so hot but it got really windy so it ended up not being too bad. i was showing her how to do the monkey bars i just grabbed on and started going..i fucking amazed myself i haven't really swung on monkey bars in years and you know i wasn't bad at it..although my shoulders popped and i thought maybe i had dislodged them for a sec but it was all gravy... i felt like i was 12 years old running and chasing her around i bet she was thinking what the hell got into mommy... cause when we usually go i'll help her out on stuff but i myself am not running around like a kid... so it was much fun..i even hung upside down by my knees from one of the bars....she got the biggest kick out of that. then we went over to the basketball court and i taught her how to "shoot some hoops" so it felt good to get out and be active with her. (no running around and dodging jungle bunnies at chuckie cheese doesn't count) oh my god did i just say that?!?!?=)

i felt so bad for chris today.. its the start of football season and he was stuck working... bullshitty. i wish he had the whole weekend off even if he was glued to the t.v. all day today i still would have liked to hang out with him...sunday sucky sunday...

so i guess i'm going to go now....i think i'm going to start writting my book...haley's fast asleep the computers being slow as fuck and i refuse to pick up that damn math book today!!! i forget but i think adult swim is on sunday nights so i might have to sneak away for that...i wish i could draw good cause i swear i should be doing something in the animation field... well i talk to all you freaks later! nite nite

by the way if any of you get a chance you have to watch the surreal life 3 the line up is fucking weird- so far bridget neilson hasn't had clothes on the whole time....jordan knight piles boxes in front of his door before he goes to bed so no one can sneak in..dve collier (the full house guy) is the most sane one there and flava flav is hysterical and he's trying to get with bridget neilson... funny shit people!!!!!!!
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