vindicated i am selfish i am wrong...i am right i swear i'm right, swear i knew it all along...

Sep 13, 2004 22:54

yeah yeah i know dashboard confessional... i can't help it i love the song

now on to more unimportant business... today rocked... i went into work and gena came up to me and was like oh my god we forgot your birthday...i was like no big i kinda wanna forget it myself...she told me that for all the girls birthdays we were to go next door and get our hair shampooed and cut for free...which is cool cause i need one and i never get it shampooed it seems so stupid to pay for that shit...but it feels so good so it will be a luxury.... i wish i owned a slave boy to wash my hair for me everyday... ahhhhhhhhh haha haha funny... so anyhow...things went well for about 2 mins then angel showed up and she wouldn't shut up... i swear she had a 30 min run on sentence going when she finally realized that i wasn't paying attention and asked me what was wrong...i told her i had a headache..... which wasn't a complete lie if she would've kept talking i would have developed one... but she ended up leaving early cause her throat was bothering her.....geee i wonder why?

on this page you see a little girl giggling at a hippopatimus...i wonder why?

so the rest of the day went pretty fast... then it was fucking dark as hell out when i was leaving and i park far from the front door... i waled all the way to my car and i just shut the door when the skies opened up and begain dumping buckets of was like they had just waited for me =)

after me and haley ate dinner we headed to the trail with my dad he didn't wanna go but i told him it would do him some good... he's lost 11lbs on his diet so far but he needs to exercise more.. so haley brought her bike and we walked the trail to the park and then haley played for 30 mins or so then we headed was fun especially cause it was so breezy and kinda dark still... well anyhow i'm going to go 10 mins till adult swim... yeah i'm a G. Oober....fuckin asshole...
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