(no subject)

Oct 05, 2008 11:21

maxemulien has taken the kids for a walk in the rain. This would be prime writing time if I didn't feel like crap. Instead I am nursing a cup of tea and focusing on not puking. Raine woke us up several times by puking on Friday night though she hasn't thrown up since. Learning from the norovirus outbreak that swept through CoHo last year, we are quarantining ourselves (more or less--Raine is being more strictly quarantined than the rest of us) until 72 hours after our last symptoms. I'd really rather not extend that quarantine nor be the focus of it, hence my deeper than usual desire not to puke. Of course, the other explanation of why I feel like crap is that I have mastitis, which is hardly an appealing alternative. I do certainly have plugged duct, so I'm going to work on fixing that and hopefully the rest of me will start feeling better too.


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