6 months old

Aug 11, 2005 12:51

Raine had her six month check up today. She weighs 16lb 9oz and the doctor has no concerns about her development.

I can't believe that she is already half a year old. In some ways it feels like we just brought her home from the hospital, but she has also changed so much since then. She's sitting up on her own now and can roll over with ease. When I put on the floor on her stomach she wiggles around and can actually move pretty well, though she often just goes in circles. I think her belly resting on the ground creates a lot of friction, so she has an easier time turning than moving forward or backward. Backward seems easier than forward too, perhaps because pushing is easier than pulling and she has better control of her arms than her legs--or maybe I'm just imagining it, since she doesn't move forward or backward very much. She also has a tendency to roll towards toys, instead of pushing or pulling herself along. She is still pretty far from crawling, which is just as well for my peace of mind.

One interesting development over the past couple of months is a fascination with her feet. She can now put her feet in her mouth, and tends to do that a lot. I don't know if her flexibility has increased or if she needed stronger trunk muscles or what, but she certainly hasn't sucked on her toes from birth. Being able to suck on her feet has renewed her interest in sucking on her hands. For a while there she was much more into in grabbing things to put in her mouth (which she still does) and hardly ever just sucked on her fingers. I think her incoming teeth have also increased her interest in her fingers (or increased her fingers' interest in her mouth)

We've also started a modified form of EC and more recently, solid foods, both of which feel like big steps. Eating solids at this point is definitely more of a game than a necessity. Along with solids, we've started giving her water. We tried from a normal plastic cup, but it just lead to coughing so we got a Nuby--it calls itself a transition cup (meaning from bottle to regular cup, but I figure it's fine to just skip the bottle) and has a softer spout than a lot of sippy cups. Raine really likes her cup though drinking is also clearly in the "playing" stage right now.

baby, raine

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