life is good...

Aug 24, 2005 20:58

...because I'm checking livejournal in my underwear. maxemulien, the babe and I have just got back from a trip to see the in-laws (my in-laws that is.) Needless to say, I'm quite behind on lj and oh, so glad to be home.

I wanted to post one thing while gone but was hesitant to even let the in-laws know lj exists. Anyway, on Thursday night (we left on Friday) a hose on our washer spontaneously ruptured. We had just come home from a going away dinner for one of maxemulien's co-workers when it sounded like someone started taking a shower. We glanced at each other in confusion for a moment, then left the babe, still in her car-seat, and ran to the laundry room and the water shut-off valve. Even though the water had been flowing for less than five minutes, it was still quite a mess, and time that I had hoped to use packing was instead used mopping up. Part of me was really annoyed with the timing, thinking what a horrible time for this to happen, we've got so much to do before we leave, we don't need this added headache. But in some ways the timing was perfect. If it had broken two hours earlier we would've come home from dinner to a giant horrible mess, and just before leaving town too. If it had ruptured 4 hours later, waking us in the middle of the night, figuring out the problem and cleaning up would have been much harder. And I don't really want to think about what would have happened if it had broken a day later. So really, we were quite lucky to have our washer start spewing water when it did. Timing is everything.
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