May 09, 2005 09:16
So if the question is where did I go? Then the answer is complicated and as usual two fold. You see I do this…this dropping off the face of the planet thing. When I get really depressed and when I am crashing, I run away. I literally peace out and unless you are incredibly talented at chasing me down -you don’t hear from me. I would be willing to make a wager that it is my most unattractive quality to all of my friends. In fact one of my really good friends who has been my friend since high school actually wants to make attempts on my life for disappearing on her all the time. I don’t blame her I sort of feel the same way myself. It is not just my friend I peace out on, it’s myself as well. So you see it’s not exactly pleasant for me either. But none the less I do it. I am guilty! The second reason I peaced out is because the evil attorneys I used to work for at Wolfram & Hart Googled my aol address and found my live journal. Then proceeded to write emails back and forth to each other concerning the content-fortunately for me I had access to their in boxes and knew what was going on fast enough to have Mona take out all incriminating contents. SCORE! So to make a very long story short that is where I have been.