Feb 03, 2005 21:36

Me and Lindsay at a Party.. hehe  Im laughing at the world

I found out that my brother Cook that goes to school up in Boulder has a class with Ward Churchill.  Funny thing about it.. I almost asked him if I could go to one of his Native American lectures.  But I decided to sleep in.  Anyways.. I think this guy is great for speaking his mind.  It is in our constitituion to speak our mind.  FREEDOM OF SPEECH.  It says it in Amendment I: Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.  I think Professor Churchill was just speaking his mind when he wrote his Essay.  He wrote this essay right after the terror attacks at The World Trade Center.  Why now is it that people are getting upset.. This was written so long ago.  I think there are too many conservative people out there.. And republicans.  They don't like people like us that are liberal and can speak our minds instead of following along and being trendy.  Why be trendy?  Just be yourself and speak your mind.. People in this country are not listening.  We created this country long ago so we could speak our mind and not hide the true from Brittan.  We went against them in during the Boston Tea party.. what was that??? It was us speaking our minds to Brittan and telling them to stop taxing us.  Why?  Because we wanted our our land.. we wanted to get away from England.. We didn't want to pay them.. It wasn't their land.   Anyways.. I had to get that out.. Check out his books and read the essay.

AIST 2015 - 001 TOPICAL ISS/NATIVE N.A. Instructor: CHURCHILL, W Buy Ward Churchill's books here

Chair and Professor of the Ethics Department at CU

Ward Churchill
"Some People Push Back:" On the Justice of Roosting Chickens
Essay By Ward Churchill
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