Summary: My cockatiel had a wing cyst that was removed this weekend. It was an ingrown feather that swelled up. I feel badly because I didn't have it removed sooner. To make a long story short, I didn't know it was there because it was covered up by the other feathers and I just thought his foot was injured on that side (don't ask) and I thought
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I had pest control come over and spray the inside and outside of the house this past weekend. I told the guy I've had a couple issues with mice leaving poo in the crevices near the front door and in the garage. I've tried blocking the area, but nothing seems to work. He looked around and explained to me that there is a tiny hole in the concrete
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I can't take the day off for my friend's wedding in MN. I am bummed. Someone else grabbed the day before I could. Actually, they grabbed 3 weeks in April. Meaning, no one else can have that time off. I did manage to get my time off for Maui in June though.
While driving to work today, I thought I saw a clown
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My mom's parrotlet, Mushu died. :( I spoke to my parents and my dad told me they found him at the bottom of his cage. They don't know what happened to him. I feel so bad. My mom doesn't want another bird right now....she might later on. My dad would like to have another. I will probably help them in picking out another
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Well, my true love did not buy him for me, but Simba, my pet Meyer's parrot (the picture here is not him, but same species) decided to give me a bite today. And he got me GOOD too
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