DAY SIX: list what you ate today yesterday
Well, that's easy. :-) I had a small sandwich for breakfast (Alexandra didn't want to eat hers) and little bit of leftovers for lunch (that Alexandra didn't want to finish) around 11am. Then I didn't have anything until 5pm when we had dinner. In the evening I munched on some fruit salad before bed. And let's not forget the amount of water I drink during the day! What with having a
Sodastream at home, I drink a lot of bubbly water. Most of the time without any flavors, but sometimes with.
DAY SEVEN: a youtube video that you find funny
OK, well... I stumble upon funny YouTube vids all the time, so... Here's one of the latest ones I found. It makes me giggle everytime I see it. *grins* I love how the mom is all deadpan and just no fucks given! X-D That's so me. I fear this WILL happen in our home one day. *lol*
Click to view
DAY ONE: introduce yourself / list your likes and dislikes DAY TWO: make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day DAY THREE: your favorite movie DAY FOUR: a photo of you taken over ten years ago
DAY FIVE: a letter to your crushDAY SIX: list what you ate today
DAY SEVEN: a youtube video that you find funny
DAY EIGHT: a photo of you taken recently
DAY NINE: list some of your favorite websites
DAY TEN: a letter to the person you hate the most or caused you a lot of pain
DAY ELEVEN: share your favorite recipe
DAY TWELVE: we want to see your teeth today
DAY THIRTEEN: whatever tickles your fancy
DAY FOURTEEN: a song from your childhood
DAY FIFTEEN: a letter to someone you wish you could meet
DAY SIXTEEN: provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
DAY SEVENTEEN: a photo that makes you sad
DAY EIGHTEEN: set or share a goal
DAY NINETEEN: whatever tickles your fancy
DAY TWENTY: a letter to someone that changed your life
DAY TWENTY-ONE: your favorite television program
DAY TWENTY-TWO: a photo that makes you happy
DAY TWENTY-THREE: share one of your current favorite tunes
DAY TWENTY-FOUR: a letter to yourself a year ago
DAY TWENTY-FIVE: a letter to someone you judged by their first impression
DAY TWENTY-SIX: favorite books
DAY TWENTY-SEVEN: a talent of yours
DAY TWENTY-EIGHT: favorite places to shop
DAY TWENTY-NINE: provide the hex code of your favorite color
DAY THIRTY: a letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
DAY THIRTY-ONE: whatever tickles your fancy
DAY THIRTY-TWO: a photo you took
DAY THIRTY-THREE: what you're craving right now
DAY THIRTY-FOUR: your favorite quote
DAY THIRTY-FIVE: a letter to an ex
DAY THIRTY-SIX: some hobbies of yours
DAY THIRTY-SEVEN: a song that you like to dance to
DAY THIRTY-EIGHT: a photo of your parent(s)
DAY THIRTY-NINE: zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality
DAY FORTY: a letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
DAY FORTY-ONE: whatever tickles your fancy
DAY FORTY-TWO: bad habit(s) you have
DAY FORTY-THREE: a picture of your favorite place in the world
DAY FORTY-FOUR: something that fascinates you and why
DAY FORTY-FIVE: whatever tickles your fancy
DAY FORTY-SIX: photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, etc.)
DAY FORTY-SEVEN: birthday wish list
DAY FORTY-EIGHT: a photo of you right now
DAY FORTY-NINE: hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
DAY FIFTY: a letter to your reflection in the mirror
This entry is crossposted between
LJ and
DW. Comment where you are comfortable.