Sick as a dog... and work-woes...

Sep 02, 2014 23:29

Was sick last week with a fever. Nearly all week. Left work at lunch Tuesday and then stayed home all week. Alexandra was a dollface and gave mom the germ she'd battled the week before that. You gotta love kids.

So I was home with a fever for three days which totally knocked me out. I might not have had a fever for the rest of the week, but holy shit I was knocked out anyway. Thank heavens you're still allowed to leave your kid at the daycare centre during the day when you're sick. It's government run, so there's a bit of rules to follow. But yeah. I let Alexandra have a sleepin the days I was home though, and then I left her there before I went home and litterary collapsed on the couch.

Watched two movies while I was sick, Warm bodies (that was weird and midly amusing) and the remake of Robocop (surprisingly good, also YAY Joel Kinnaman!).

So basically I was of no use last week. No fever Sunday and I had my energy back, so I went to work yesterday. Which was fine apart from my clogged up ears, but that happens when you have been sick with fever and a cold. Fine most of today to... until my right ear ended up even MORE clogged up. Felt kinda like when you've been in a pool swimming to long, you know? And it hurts to and I can hardly hear anything on that ear. :-/ REALLY sucks!

Of course, after my ear ended up all weird, a whole class of students invaded the library. And after that, some obnoxious kids came over to. I ended up being called a lot of not so nice words. And I was accused of being a member of the swedish nationalist party (SD) and of being a racist. Really, boys? You're 15 years old. Grow the fuck up and listen to what people are saying before jumping to conclusions. And all that discussions and fight just because I wanted to know one of the kids names so I could lend him a book. But apparently telling me what your name is when asked means I'm a racist. *shakes head* Kids of today.

Another downer was that Tashés birthday came around the other day. I still think about her and wonder what if, what if, what if... I think I'll always wonder that. And I'm not sure I'll get any more news from her room-mate or about her son. Which kinda guts me, but there's nothing I can do.

She would have been 31 years old 28th of August.

I miss you, Tashé. So damn much. I hope, wherever you are, that you know that.

This entry is crossposted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

sick, health, movies, kid, life, friends

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