Soooo pissed off....

Dec 07, 2011 13:59

OK. I am pissed. :-/

I've been working for the big city library downtown, right? Hired by the hour and been doing it for quite some time. When they ask me to come in, I don't say no. I always agree and show up on time to work. Right? Right.

These last two/three weeks though.... I've gotten A LOT of hours. Crazy much. Let me show you.

  • Friday 25th November: 4-8pm
  • Saturday 26th November: 11am-3pm
  • Sunday 27th November: 11am-3pm
  • Monday 28th November: 12am-4pm
  • Tuesday 29th November: 2pm-6pm
  • Wednesday 30th November: 2pm-8pm
  • Thursday 1th December: 2pm-6pm

  • One whole day off on Friday!

  • Saturday 3ed December: 11am-5pm
  • Sunday 4th December: 11am-5pm
  • Monday 5th December: 10am-2pm + 4pm-8pm
  • Tuesday 6th December (Yesterday): 9:30am-1:30pm
  • Wednesday 7th December (TODAY!): 10-12am + 4-8pm
  • Thursday 8th December (Tomorrow...): 2-8pm
As you can see... I work my fucking ass off. Sure, it is not full days. But I get the dog-hours. Those hours no one else wants of the regular staff. After getting home I have NO energy what so ever to do any housework or anything. It looks like shit here. I have, thank gawd, bought all the Christmas-gifts online, so that is fixed.

Oh, and the big city library has hired another girl to call in to work by the hour. A LARP-friend.... and I use the word friend losely. There is no harm in her, but she is quite a bit younger then me.. *sigh*

See... She can't work two weekends at a row. To much work for her. And she is not done with her education (to be a librarian, no less) yet, so she can't work Thursdays since she got classes then. I can buy the classes thing, but girl... you are hired by the HOUR.... You do NOT turn down work then, when they ASK you to come in and work... They call for a reason. That they can't fix it with their regular staff.

And yesterday? The library was nice enough to give us some Christmas-food during work-hours. Really nice of them, and we sat down with one of the others in staff. Around her 50's in age. And my LARP-friend? Started talking about LARP's and such and how crazy we were there and this summer with all the rain I had sooo little clothes on the LARP where we played hookers... The girl has diarrhea of the mouth. MY GAWD! I mean, I don't hide that I LARP, but maybe it is not the first thing I bring up around the coffee-table that I've had a role as a hooker, for crying out load! *head-desk* You gotta filter a bit of what you are saying girl! *shakes head* Thank gawd the staff we talked to had tried a simpler form of LARP, so she just laughed at us. Lucky. Really fucking lucky. Not all people are that understanding about this bit of obscure hobby of ours.

My gawd... And then today? Well, I was only SUPPOSED to work between 10-12am... Well, five mins to 12, a staff ran up to me and asked if I could work the hours my LARP-friend was supposed to have tonight between 4-8pm? She had just called in sick and said she couldn't work. At 12:45pm or so... GIRL! WTH! If you are sick, with a fever, I would guess you'd KNOW when you wake up, right? WHY CALL SO DAMN LATE!!! MY GAWD!!!

I tell you... She is NOT going to get it easy getting hired for a real employment. I am just.... I NEEDED THIS AFTERNOON TO RELAX, GAWD DAMMIT!!! I really needed it... And when he asked me to come back this afternoon, he said that yeah.. I can say no, and they would understand me since I've been working so much, but they really had no one else to ask... :-/ Not much to do then, but say yes. *sigh*

I am so going to have a talk with my LARP-friend on Saturday when I meet up with her...


pissed off, vampire-larp, work, stress, christmas, other larp, friends

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