Soooo pissed off....

Dec 07, 2011 13:59

OK. I am pissed. :-/

I've been working for the big city library downtown, right? Hired by the hour and been doing it for quite some time. When they ask me to come in, I don't say no. I always agree and show up on time to work. Right? Right.

These last two/three weeks though.... I've gotten A LOT of hours. Crazy much. Let me show you.

pissed off, vampire-larp, work, stress, christmas, other larp, friends

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Comments 8

shapinglight December 7 2011, 13:17:37 UTC
Have to admit, she sounds like a bit of a user, and therefore the sort of person who will sail through life untroubled by the pangs of conscience that afflict the rest of us.


kseenaa December 7 2011, 13:22:56 UTC
Yeah... I just... GAH! So pissed. I really, really needed this afternoon off. I am so stressed and wired tight right now what with Christmas and everything... And then she pulls stunts like this. NOT amused. NOT AT ALL, DAMMIT!


raijufiction December 7 2011, 16:18:57 UTC
Operation "Get Her Fired" should go into activation right about now. Start tattling to the higher-ups.


kseenaa December 7 2011, 23:37:20 UTC
I don't think I need tattling much. They can see for themselves. :-P


zukosphoenix December 7 2011, 18:08:11 UTC
*nods* I would definitely have a talk with her; it's clear that she doesn't realize what is proper work etiquette and what isn't. While LARP-ing isn't a bad thing, its probably not something that an older crowd would really appreciate (I could be wrong) and she definitely shouldn't be talking about dressing like a hooker. You're working as a professional, your LARP-ing is off hours and personal. She might be nervous and spilling off at the mouth or she might just be patently unprofessional - I mean, it doesn't seem like she has a work ethic.

With taking all those hours, I really hope its being noticed and you'll be first in line for something permanent, should it come up.


kseenaa December 7 2011, 23:40:17 UTC
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I do say I do LARP and all, but I never go into details. Especially not around those who are a bit older. I mean, you gotta get a feel for the people you work with first, you know? *shakes head* Apparently that wisdom hasn't come to her yet. Keeping your hobbies off hours are just... common sense. At least in my book.


ruchirahni December 8 2011, 23:58:31 UTC
Wow, how old is she? She sounds like she's never been in a professional environment or held down a real job before. I don't necessarily think she's malicious, I think she probably doesn't understand responsibility and appropriate behavior. I would definitely talk to her, because maybe it is unintentional and she just doesn't realize. If she DOES, though... then keep your distance!


kseenaa December 9 2011, 23:35:49 UTC
I think she is somewhere between 20 and 25. Definitely past 20, but definitely NOT past 25, you know?

Oh, she has another temp-job at a store, actually... But she doesn't have many hours there, and clearly wants to work as a librarian as well, since that is what she is getting her education to become. (And my english sucks.) Anyway, I do however think that she don't get the grip of appropriate behaviour... Especially since I am a LARPer to, and from the same club/society as her she seems to think it is quite alright to discuss all the details of LARPing loud and clear everywhere... Which is not cool in my book. The LARP we are involved in is a horror-LARP. Meaning some of the stuff our characters do, that WE discuss, might sound VERY VERY odd and scary to those who don't know what the hell we are doing... :-/ So not cool to discuss at your work. :-/


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