Happy Meme! Sharing links... And a fluffy Sketchavember drabble!

Nov 15, 2011 01:14

Ugh... :-P Cramps and pains from hell, thank you very much. *is not amused* Not a good day.

Well, it is. It is also peting73s birthday today. :-) My lovely, lovely man is 38 years old today. :-D Much cheer for that! We haven't done anything special really today... Just lazed around and taken it easy. I have no hours at the library today, so... No work as it were. And peting73 has taken this whole week off since he thinks you shouldn't work on your birthday. I like that philosophy. *grin*

We've done other stuff, of course, but I'll talk about that at a later date. Promise!

Now for some stuff I've found around the net that I wanna share with you guys!

I know Halloween is over and stuff, but damn if this is not cool! Had I a house, I would LOVE to have this in my garden! I wonder if one could have one of them on the balcony... Hmm...

Glow-brides... (You can get a description how to make one in the comments...)

Pretty gawd damn awesome, aren't they? :-)

More sharing! :-D These are just... yeah. Spike? Angel? Is there something you haven't told us? Apart from that... "one time..." X-D

Spike/Angel balljointed dolls...

And this...? This is just TO COOL! Give it some time... The man is... such a skilled dancer! :-D It should NOT be possible to do that with your body!

Flat-Top from Kyle Walling on Vimeo.

Also, emilyexorsist started a happy meme in the Tokio Hotel fandom, and since I am mostly writing Tokio Hotel fic for this years Sketchavember... well, why not join, yeah? :-D Just click the image!

Talking off Sketchavember! :-D Here is the drabble for today! This one went very easy to write, I must say! Didn't know what pairing I wanted at first, but nerded out and used a roleplaying dice with four corners to decide! X-D It worked out well, as you can see. And then the ficlet/drabble just grew to what you see here. :-) Enjoy!

Title: It’s going to be perfect, you’ll see!
Author: KSena aka kseenaa
Rating: PG-13, I think?
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairings: Bill/Gustav, Tom/Georg
Warnings: Ehr… Fluff and humour?
Word count: 848
Summary: Bill is sure this Christmas is going to be GREAT! Tom is not quite as sure, but is trying to find his spirit anyway… before it burns to the ground… The G’s help. Of course. Just like always.. ;-)
Disclaimer: Them boys in Tokio Hotel belongs to themselves, thank you very much. This never happened and is only written for entertainment.
Authors Note: Written for lilliephoenixs prompt: fluffy twins in LA. bill and tom decide to decorate a palm tree after their first thanksgiving. (bonus points if bill burns something). Not… sure I meet your prompt perfectly, but… I am not comfortable writing twincest as it were. :-P Unbetad and written just now.

“Bill… A palm-tree is NOT a Christmas-tree…” Tom sighed looking at his twin as he was busy decorating the small palm-tree that grew on their backyard almost falling on his ass…

“Well, Tooom….” Bill drawled sarcastically, “It’s not like we can get a christmast tree in LA, can we?”


“Shut up! This is gonna be perfect! Georg and Gustav haven’t been here in a while! It’s gonna be great celebrating Christmas with them! Go get them at the airport, Tom!”


“I will be FINE! Just go!” Bill waved Tom off throwing more glitter on the little palm-tree as Tom just threw his hands over his head in defeat and went to get the G’s.

Getting in his Audi, Tom drove off to the airport. Knowing his twin like no other he knew that once Bill had decided on something you couldn’t talk him out of it. It was the best and worst quality Bill had. It had gotten them to where they were today after all. Well, to everything they had today, and Tom smirked a little as he sat driving towards the airport, not able to stop his minds wandering to the G’s… especially Georg. Of course Bill was to blame for that to… But only after he had gotten Gustav to see things his way…

Parking his car, Tom then waited for Georg and Gustav to get off their flight, and when he saw them getting out of the gate with their bags, bleary-eyed and tired after the long flight Georgs hair in a mess… a big smile spread over Tom’s face. Bill was right. This was gonna be perfect.

After giving big hugs all around, they got into Tom’s car. He had to cheer up Gustav to, since he was a bit crestfallen that Bill hadn’t come with Tom to meet them… But the dutiful brother that Tom was, he’d delivered Bills message that he had something special planned for Gustav that cheered him up right away. Tom really did not want to know what that was…

When they got closer to the twins house though, there was a fire-truck outside the door, and Tom immediately freaked out.

“WHAT?!?!” and flew out the car once he’d parked, while the G’s trailed after, knowing the twins damn well… Tom on his hand was frantic. He would have KNOWN if Bill had been in danger, right? But running in the door, he saw Bill standing in the kitchen, cheeks burning and talking to a fireman who seemed to just smile and saying his goodbyes to Bill. Nodding at Tom and telling him in passing to be careful with the candles, the fireman was gone, and they could hear the truck leaving.

“Tom!” Bill squeaked and gave his twin a hug.

“What the fuck, Bill!?!” Tom just asked, looking quite shocked, but Bill ignored him for now, instead throwing his long arms and legs all over Gustav instead, who with a wide smile just grabbed a hold around Bills waist before he tumbled over into a couch behind him while Bill kept making happy noises kissing the breath out of him.

“BILL! You can kill Gustav with kisses later. What the hell happened?” Tom demanded while Georg just laughed at his two friends in the couch, throwing an arm around Tom, who just shrugged it off.

Hardly getting up for air, Bill just pointed a finger out back… That made Georg curious, and he walked over to check the twins backyard, while Tom just fumed a moment more. But it seemed that his twins libido was overpowering their twin connection for the moment.

“Eh… Tom… I think I found ground zero…” Georg chuckled looking out the porch door. Walking over to Georg, Tom to snuck a peak outside the door.

What they found was the little palm-tree that Bill had been decorating when Tom left… Or rather… what was left of the little palm-tree. What was left was just a charred skeleton of a palm-tree. And black burnt glitters and Christmas-decorations… The ground around the palm-tree looked quite charred and burnt as well… and in the midst of it all were candles and lanterns… overturned. Tom made a facepalm. So hard it left a mark.

Georg just laughed at him, giving Tom a kiss. “Business as usual then, eh?” he murmured distracting Tom with more kisses…

“I just… My gawd, my moronic brother…” Tom groaned annoyed… “What if he’d burned the house to the ground?”

“He seems distracted enough for now… and occupying the living room with Jüstchel…” Georg trailed off, distracting Tom in turn with kissing his long neck, pushing the braids away.

“I am going to kick his ass…” Tom tried, but there was no bite in his threat, and he was melting the more Georg kissed him… Georg grinned. He and Gustav had definitely worked out a good strategy for stopping twin-fights… an enjoyable strategy to…

“Heard you bought a new bed, Tom… Show me?” Georg grinned, licking a stripe of skin on Tom’s neck, making the younger man moan… Game. Set. Match.

pimping, halloween, my fanfics, peting, music, birthday, buffy/angelverse, my writing, my love, sketchavember, memes

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