Happy Meme! Sharing links... And a fluffy Sketchavember drabble!

Nov 15, 2011 01:14

Ugh... :-P Cramps and pains from hell, thank you very much. *is not amused* Not a good day.

Well, it is. It is also peting73s birthday today. :-) My lovely, lovely man is 38 years old today. :-D Much cheer for that! We haven't done anything special really today... Just lazed around and taken it easy. I have no hours at the library today, so... No work as ( Read more... )

pimping, halloween, my fanfics, peting, music, birthday, buffy/angelverse, my writing, my love, sketchavember, memes

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Comments 18

lilliephoenix November 15 2011, 00:54:10 UTC
“Eh… Tom… I think I found ground zero…”


i laughed so hard. i didn't mean fluffy as in twc, just, i suppose twin-y would have been a better word. this however, is not going to get a single complaint from me. torg and billstav; lovely, lovely, lovely. thanks so much.


kseenaa November 15 2011, 18:47:45 UTC
:-D So happy it made you laugh! Success! *grins* Do I get bonus points for Bill burning down the poor palm-tree? ;-D It was actually that that started my mind working... to this. ;-)

It's funny, as soon as I see people write "fluffy twins" they usually mean twincest, so I thought that was what you wanted... But I can't write twincest. :-P I mean, I read it on occasion (if it is well-written), but I just can't write it. :-P


lilliephoenix November 15 2011, 21:17:52 UTC
Do I get bonus points for Bill burning down the poor palm-tree?

haha. that was my fave part. (other than the ships...)

i had originally imagined bill trying to bake with disastrous results. maybe if your muse is interested, you could write a follow up where bill makes christmas cookies- under the watchful gaze of gustav, of course- but they get distracted. ;-)


kseenaa November 16 2011, 19:29:40 UTC
*lol* Well, then I am happy the fic worked for you. :-D And meet your prompt! I'll get right on writing another one then! ;-)

(And as you've probably already seen, there was some baking done in TH-land yesterday. *lol*)


rule_number_7 November 15 2011, 04:25:25 UTC
I like Georg's method of distraction.


kseenaa November 15 2011, 18:48:43 UTC
It does work quite nicely, doesn't it? ;-D I guess Bill wanted to be distracted though, because Gustav didn't have to work very hard... X-D


rule_number_7 November 15 2011, 18:51:06 UTC
Well, he had time to get over that small incident before Gustav arrived. Poor Tom, on the other hand... lol


kseenaa November 15 2011, 18:56:12 UTC
*lol* Yeah, poor Tom.... or not. Because I am sure Georg is going to make Tom a very very happy young man... ;-)


shapinglight November 15 2011, 10:33:33 UTC
Happy Birthday to peting73!!


kseenaa November 15 2011, 18:49:37 UTC
:-D He had a great day! And got some awesome gifts during the birthday party at his moms the other day. So I'd call it a success! :-D


zeph317toho November 16 2011, 02:37:15 UTC
Happy belated birthday to peting73! Yay for November babies! ~__^

Those Glow Brides are so cool! I bet they look very unearthly in real life. So neat!

I laughed at the Angel/Spike dolls (Spike is too tall!). Those two were my very first slash pairing ever! *sigh* Oh, the good old days...

Then the fic made me laugh again! Bill, Bill, when will you learn?! The poor little tree! ^__^


kseenaa November 16 2011, 19:44:07 UTC
Well, Bill just wanted to make things pretty for them all when the G's come over! I mean, who wouldn't want to do that for their brother, boyfriend and brothers boyfriend? And old friends... ;-)

Ah yes, Spike/Angel. :-) I do have a thing for them to... Although my favorite pairings in that fandom would be Spike/Xander and Spike/Drusilla. My gawd... I love Drusilla so much! Such a BRILLIANT character! Nowadays though, I mostly read Spike/Xander since I have a BRILLIANT fic-writer of such fics on my f-list. ;-)


ruchirahni November 19 2011, 07:29:25 UTC
happy birthday again :DDD

and I'm sorry about your cramps. I feel so terrible every month when this happens.


kseenaa November 19 2011, 21:20:43 UTC
*hugs* You are so sweet. :-) Don't feel bad. My body is what it is, and there is nothing to be done about it. Just chew down some painkillers and live through it. :-)


ruchirahni November 20 2011, 07:48:48 UTC
that's what you've always done, and i admire you for it, but it doesn't mean i'm not going to feel sad or empathize with you every month!


kseenaa November 20 2011, 19:16:06 UTC
Yeah, I know. :-) You get used to it, weird as it sounds. At least it is only two, max three, days a month. And unlike some others who also have Endometriosis, I can still walk around. It hasn't handicapped me. :-D


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