car, accessibility, tv, laptop, portland, music, concerts

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  • Mother. Fucker.

    kschap Nov 26, 2008 05:46

    It's 5:47am at present and I just walked in the apartment door about twenty minutes ago. Where was I? you ask ( Read more... )

    amanda palmer, boston, family, concerts, dresden dolls, travel, driving

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  • (Untitled)

    kschap Oct 01, 2008 01:56

    HAY GUYZ ( Read more... )

    menstruation, laptop, health, job-hunting, concerts, travel, tv, pics, portland

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  • I killed Amanda Palmer.

    kschap Sep 16, 2008 20:35

    THIS APARTMENT IS A FUCKING DISASTER AREA. So obviously the solution is to write in my LJ. :D ( Read more... )

    apartment, maine, music, concerts

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  • W.W.J.J.D.?

    kschap Jul 26, 2008 05:01

    I just logged into my email and was deleting my junk mail. There was one titled "Thugs piss on corpses". That was a new one ( Read more... )

    car, oswego, spam, friends, money, concerts, mom

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  • now and then

    kschap Jul 12, 2008 01:53

    Over the next few days:- I am driving back to New York ( Read more... )

    car, albany, thomas, maine, movies, moving, concerts, matt, travel, theater, books, family, driving

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  • almost two weeks in, and I'm making my first post of 2008! finally!

    kschap Jan 13, 2008 08:39

    Hi hi hi there, LiveJournal buddies! Sorry I've been so absent for such a long time. I think I've never before taken such a long hiatus from LJ when it was an account I planned to keep active ( Read more... )

    movies, music, concerts, matt, dresden dolls, travel, syracuse

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  • *pokes head in*

    kschap Dec 29, 2007 02:54

    Hey guys. I'm still here! I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to LJ lately. Sorry about that ( Read more... )

    holidays, concerts, matt, travel

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  • I'm a bodmod snob.

    kschap Aug 16, 2007 04:38

    Something I hate: places that do body piercings or tattoos, that are also a head shop ( Read more... )

    family, concerts, piercings

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