now and then

Jul 12, 2008 01:53

Over the next few days:

- I am driving back to New York.

- I will be staying at my aunt's in Albany.

- My aunt and I are going to see Jewel and Brad Paisley at Saratoga Performing Arts Center on Sunday evening.

- Monday, (I think) I have an appointment to get my car inspected, get an oil change, and get my brakes or something looked at. (Apparently I need new backing plates? Whatever those are.)

- I may be going to see a production of West Side Story at some place called Park Playhouse in Albany.

- I'm driving back home.

- I'm getting together more of my shit that I want/need here with me in Maine.

- I'm breaking the news to my family that I'm going BACK to Maine, and staying there this time. (Haha, I never told them that that was my plan in the first place. I am a nerd.)

- I'm renewing my handicapped parking pass and paying my car insurance.

- I'm hanging out with my brother.

- I'm driving back to Maine, most likely after spending the night in Albany again. And maybe visiting with other family members.

Over the past few days:

- Matt and I had our two-year anniversary. We were rather low-key about it. Haha. I'm so unused to being in a long-term relationship!

- I did a bunch of laundry. It's not as bad as I thought it would be, really. And now I have clean socks, and my clothes are actually in the dresser, so I'm not living out of my suitcase. Wow.

- It was really hot.

- My cold's lingering mucus issues are about 98% gone.

- I took Matt's sister Ruby to see Wall-E and thought it was adorable. I almost started crying a couple times. I'm working on letting myself be okay with expressing emotion like that. :P

- I bought The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf.

- I read Lost Girls by Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie. Holy shit. If you're familiar with what it is at all, you know what I'm talking about. Haha.

- Uhhh... I think that's it.


car, albany, thomas, maine, movies, moving, concerts, matt, travel, theater, books, family, driving

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