Mar 21, 2015 23:53
I don't usually go to the Saturday class for kickboxing. Last week I went to make up for missing Tuesday's class, but today I just decided to go, scale was down, so I want to keep the momentum moving forward. Mike was teaching like he usually does on Saturdays.(He had to fill in for his sick wife on Thursday, last week the entire family was competing in BJJ at the NAGA Tournament in Albany). It was a larger class so we had a group of 5 in a circle with the 12 lbs medicine ball. We we on our knees and bouncing the ball to someone else in the circle, using our abs. I went to throw the ball and it slipped out of my hand and I either jammed my middle finger into the ball or the floor. Right now it is a bit swollen and sore when I bend it. Such a stupid thing to happen. My Dad asked if I left class early, of course not, it didn't hurt to punch, right now making a fist is tough since it's a little stiff, but it's not like I broke it. I may be wearing my wraps and my 'puffy' gloves for class next week if it's still swollen, stiff, and sore. So this afternoon, I hung out on the couch rewatching Inuyasha episodes and icing my finger instead of running around doing errands. There wasn't anything I needed, I think I just like to go out and about on Saturdays instead of hanging out at home. During the Spring and Summer, I have yard work to do, so it's easier to stay home-- though usually I have hit the Regional Market for plants or food first thing in the morning. :)