(MatsMiya Chapter)
Nino moaned pressing his face into his pillow as Jun lapped at his hole his tongue pressing in deep and flicking around at intermittent intervals. One of his hand’s was wrapped around his cock stroking him slowly while his other one was helping to keep his cheeks wide and open so he could devour his hole. They were in an awkward position due to his still damaged knee but that didn’t stop it from feeling amazing, then again Nino was pretty sure that everything about his lover was amazing. They had known each other for so long and from since they were so young that it should have meant that he knew everything about Jun and he knew him and he supposed that in a way they did but it wasn’t something that was bad and it didn’t stop him from discovering and falling in love with new things about his love every day.
“I love…Ugn…Fuck…I love you…” He whined his eyes closing and his mind flying back over the years to that first day he met his beloved Jun.
“And then you put the silk scarf over and then…Say the magic words…Abra Kadabra…before…Voila!” Ninomiya Ryuhei said pulling out silk flowers from a top hat. Nino giggled happily and clapped his hands together. He loved his daddy’s tricks even the ones that he knew were meant to impress babies and he knew that one day he was going to learn everything that he could and be the best clown in the circus. He had already started making magic of his own and his bestest best friend Satoshi had told him that he was better than his Daddy already. Satoshi wouldn’t lie. “Ah Junichi-kun…Everything okay?”
“Yeah…The missus is bringing my little tot today…” Matsumoto Junichi said with a proud grin and Nino blinked his thumb going to his mouth and he looked at the man. Uncle Junichi was prettier than his mummy was and just as friendly as his daddy. He let him watch him when he was practicing to do the swirly jumps with the Ohno’s. Nino didn’t really like the Ohno expecting Satoshi that was because they acted like there better than everyone, his daddy said so, but he didn’t minded that he was friends with Satoshi. His daddy said that Satoshi was loneally and that he hadded to be a good boy but he didn’t mind Satoshi was his bestest friend in the world even though he liked Sho-kun too but he was older than them and always looked serious all the time. “You’re going to be good friends with my Tot aren’t you, Nino?” Junichi asked picking him up and spinning him around. Nino thought about it for a long time before humming;
“Am I still alloweded to be bestest friends with ‘Oshi?”
“Of course you are, Nino…But I would like it if you would be friends with Jun too…He’s never been here before because he was sick a lot as a baby so he stayed with his grandma and grandpa and mummy…But now he’s all better and he’s coming to learn to do tricks with me…”
“Ah spinny jumping like ‘Oshi! I wanna learn!” Nino cried clapping his hands before giving his daddy his best smile and fluttering his eyelashes cutely as he said “Though I like to learn magic and be the bestest Magic man ever!”
“You have a devil on your hands…” Junichi laughed and Nino grinned again liking the way that the man ruffled his hair. “He’s already got the Ninomiya charm, that’s for sure…”
“Of course, he’s my boy…” His daddy said happily with a smug expression on his face and Nino’s grin grew wider as his daddy ruffled his hair too.
“Nino-chan!” A soft sleepy voice said and Nino looked over Junichi’s shoulder to see his bestest friend standing almost nervously at the door of his trailer “I finished training for today! Wanna go play?”
“Can I go play daddy!”
“Yes but remember that I want you to be here when Jun comes okay?”
“Okay daddy! Uncle Juni-chi!” Nino said happily as he was putted on the floor so he could run after Satoshi. He had only made it as far as the steps when he bumped into his mummy. His face knocked into her knees and he fell backwards onto the metal step with a bump. “Ouched! Mummy!”
“Sorry…My mister man! Where were you running off too?” She asked picking him up and hugging him to her chest. Her lips pressed a kiss to his temple and he pouted a little wiping it away as he said;
“I gonna go play with Oshi…I hasa be backed early I is going to meet Uncle’s Tot!”
“Uncle’s? Oh Is Jun coming already?” She asked and Nino nodded surprised when she gave a laugh and kissed him again “This is going to be a very important meeting for you and Satoshi ne…”
“I guess…” Nino shrugged not really understanding what she said though that was pretty normal. His daddy told him that he had to smile and nod when he didn’t understand but sometimes it was very confusing and it gave him an ache in the head. Sometimes though his mummy was crying all the time and not talking to him at all he liked that less. Only his daddy could talk to her then she just stareded at him like he wasn’t there. “I see you later mummy!”
“Okay…I’ll see you soon…” She said with a bright smile kissing him once again before putting him down and letting him run to Satoshi who had been waiting patiently. With a smile at each other they ran through the caravans and around the woods surrounding them in an enthusiastic game of tag. They giggled together as they climbed trees, Satoshi with more ease then him, and then they ran back to Nino’s caravan the promise of meeting Junichi’s tot having been forgotten until he saw his mum standing next another pretty woman who was holding a pale faced boy. “Hey Mister Man are you coming to say hello to Jun?”
“I is coming!” Nino nodded hurrying up and bowing politely at both the woman and the boy. Jun was cute for a boy. His face was thin and he had a lot of eyebrows but his eyes were pretty and he looked at him through long lashes which were darker and prettier than his mum’s and even Junichi’s. He looked a little nervous though and Nino gave him his best and friendliest smile saying happily “I is, Ninomiiyia Kazunari…You is calling me Nino like Uncle Junichi I we is can be friends! You can play with me!”
“I can?” Jun asked nervously and Nino nodded slowly holding out his hand to the boy who took it in his own.
“Yup! You can play with me! I will always take care of you princess!”
“I’m not a princess! I am a boy!” Jun shot back but Nino grinned squeezing his hand and cocking his head to one side as he hummed;
“You is pretty as a princess! I like you!”
“Ughn? What happened?” Nino asked coming too and blinking up at his lover who was gazing down at him with concern in his beautiful brown eyes which had never changed just became more beautiful over the years.
“You passed out…Are you okay bright?”
“I’m fine, Princess, I love you…”
A/N: I hope that this is okay…The flash back was weird but fun to write…>.<