Last week at PodCastle we published Daniel Abraham's (
bram452 ) fantastic adventure story
"Balfour and Meriwether and the Emperor's Vengeance," which contained a fallen clockwork angel, a secret history, an accomplished Jewish heroine, and the titular dynamic duo. This week, we've published Amal El-Mohtar's (
"To Follow the Waves," a completely different kind of steampunk story about a young Damascus woman who crafts and sells dreams. If you've ever wondered what's happening in other parts of a steampunk world than England or the U.S., this story is for you.
So two very, very different steampunk stories, and I love them both so much! I hope you do too!
(I suppose it should be stated that I have a very, very loose definition of steampunk. I have no issues labeling second-world fantasy stories steampunk if they feel like steampunk to me. And I've even called Dying Earth-type stories steampunk before...although in that particular case I was a new dad at the time and probably needed more sleep than I was getting.)
ETA: JoSelle Vanderhooft, editor of Steam-Powered: Lesbian Steampunk Stories (which is the anthology Amal's story is from) has
an update on how to pre-order the collection. Check it out!