Dec 12, 2007 10:13
Old MacDonald had a scam. E.I. E.I. Oh!!!
Employment Insurance. A beautiful thing, I suppose. A portion of your paycheck is deducted in order that you might receive 19 weeks of half your previous salary to cover you from dire straits.
Well I want my money back!
Turns out that despite having met all my requirements for number of hours worked last year, by the time they calculate my wages earned over the course of the past 52 weeks, I wind up getting a mere $113 a week - which turns out to be less than what someone would make on social assistance! Translation: work your butt off and give us your money so that when you stop working you're worse off than you'd have been if you sat on your couch and collected Welfare.
The only people who could truly benefit from EI benefits would be those whose working salary was at least $2000-$3000/mth. Those who are probably not so financially screwed without their job. It's nice to know that all the minimum wage hours I worked last year, and subsequent deductions, are helping to financially back the unemployed rich guy who likely still has RRSP's kicking around in his savings.
They're sure as heck not doing me any good.