
(no subject)

Sep 09, 2009 08:37


Sorry Doki. I found these hilarious and felt like passing them on. They made me LOL. From Doki's LJ (he works at as a coder and an everything elser [he does more than code] at a video game company):
Some quotes from work that amused me...

Co-Worker: "Anything is possible, if you just believe."
Doki: "I believe you're mistaken."
CW: "Oh... shit..."

CW: "I think of that as NSFW as well."
D: "This isn't your average W."

D: "Did you try 'Splosion Man?"
CW: "I should. I like explosions. I like men... That didn't sound right."

CW: "I'll go see it. I liked all Neill Blomkamp's YouTube stuff. It should be a good movie."
D: "By that reasoning, Keyboard Cat should make a movie."

OH crack me up.

quotes, funny

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