Nov 05, 2006 15:25
It's a zoo in here! I'm at Jeffrey's, chilling as I usually do on Sundays. But today is a little different. I'm recovering from 6 days of sickness. Max is recovering from his third surgery. He had a thermal burn removed from his groin, poor puppy (this surgery was free, a threat of malpractice will shape up any vet when they burn your pup during a surgery). And Jeff is playing with his new pet snake. It's literally a zoo in here. Between pets and pill bottles it looks a little nutso in here. At least I have the next two days off to enjoy the weirdness and to help myself and Maxi recover.
I worked last night for the first time in a few, that was exhausting. Good cash though, we're picking up business. I didn't get my other job, but they offered me a job in a different department. I'm going in in two weeks to talk to them, but I'm not really down. I'd be working with adults, something I'm not really into. I realize beggers can't be choosers, but I'm not really into settling these days.
Chatard is winning again so cheerleading is rocking and rolling (and freezing my butt off on Friday nights). Of course it wouldn't be the same without drama, which I seem to be knee deep in again. I've got an angry parent of a child who wants her daughter to join for bball ("but you've done it in the past...") and some juniors who think its funny to text people from my cell phone when I'm not looking (grrr...). Fun times.
Not much else to note. Other than being sick I feel good. Finances are in line for once and health is good (other than this damn virus). Jeff is awesome and so are my buds. Eric's back around, which is coo. He got rid of his psycho gal and so he's free to be my friend again. Yay!
Sarah Mitchell was in town this week, which was tre bien. We didn't cause any trouble for once, but it was nice to talk. She's got a rad new job and I was stoked to hear about it. It may be confidential so I won't disclose details on here, but wow....
Today's my sister's 16th bday. She got a verizon razr phone so now I can text/call her for free. Sounds very cheesy and so last year, but I'm excited. I don't get enough "airtime" with her.
Happy Bday Shel. I love you.
Peace out homies...