(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 09:13

Funny email exchange:

> Professor Hills,
> The morning of Friday has now come and gone. A few questions and requests:
> 1. When did you begin grading our exams?
> 2. Was it not foreseeable that by giving a 20 page exam with a 6,000
> word limit that you were thereby committing yourself to an extensive
> grading project that would require you to begin grading the exams
> before whatever your answer to #1 above is?
> 3. In our review session before the final you sermonized about the
> professional responsibilities of an attorney. Because we would hold
> such weighty responsibilities in our professional careers you said
> that you would impose similar responsibilities regarding the exam. In
> particular, you made it clear that you would brook no excuse
> regarding an exam turned in after t! he 8 hour time limit. You made it
> clear that we were responsible for planning ahead and ensuring that
> the 8 hour time limit would be honored. Do you feel no reciprocal
> responsibility toward us, your students? A responsibility that
> extends beyond ex post facto apologies?
> 4. Please stop saying "I'm so sorry". A) The phrase has lost all
> meaning from constant repetition throughout the entire semester. B)
> Few students believe you. C) Fewer students care whether you
> subjectively impose upon yourself an appropriate level of guilt.
> Sincerely, Dion Alaniz
> Quoting rhills@umich.edu:
> >
> >
> > I am terribly sorry to say that, despite my best efforts, I find >
> myself behind in my grading. I have almost completed grading the >
> exams for Constitutional Law and hope to finish no later than the >
> morning of Fri! day, 1/27.
> >
> > I will post the grades with exam ID numbers on the ctools website
> > as soon as I've finished grading -- by Friday, at the latest. I
> know > that prospective employers will want your first term grades
> asap, > and I will make every effort to speed the grading along.
> >
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