Can't Believe It's Been A Month... AGAIN

Apr 07, 2011 16:35

Boy... Time flies whether or not you're having fun. I can't believe that the last time I posted was the beginning of March. *Phew*

March sure went fast though... and facebook sure has a hold on me, I guess. Though I'll try once again to make a conscious effort to post here more than once a MONTH. Sheesh..

Updates since March 4th... Let's see: THERE WAS RELAXICON!

Relaxicon 2011 was highly fairy-tale themed for me this year, playing both Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks in two separate LARPs on the same day... Preceeded by some delightfully steamy Steampunkery with Matt Ruane's 7th Sea LARP on Friday night. Megan rounded up Erin Venable, and Aimee and I and we got to do an all female version of I Attack The Darkness as a skit for the Styx. Then Sunday I was the biggest ho in Camelot in another Court of Love game... All that was fun, but I have to say that what I'll carry away from this year's Relaxicon was the overwhelming feeling of camaraderie and love and friendship that pervaded the entire weekend. OVERALL, There was NO drama. There was NO fighting or squabbling or arguing. There were no hurt feelings. There was no whining or complaining. There was just good roleplaying, some excellent tabletop (so I hear), and when that wasn't going on, there was partying and socializing with my extended gamer-family that left me with extremely warm fuzzy feelings from the whole weekend. So... That was excellent. Can't wait for next year. Labor Day will be fun (though tough to come back to after a week away at ILM with Pat, Aimee, & Neall this year!), but Relaxicon has a different feel to it, and this one was tops. :-)

Other than that, really, I've been largely focused on the band, and The UPside has been doing well! We have 8 gigs on the calendar now between April 23rd and July 22nd (check out our website for dates, video, and info... Mike's been doing a LOT of work on it, and it looks great: That will likely be all for the early summer, and we'll worry about late summer & fall once all the band members have figured out our vacation plans... We just played a banging gig last Saturday night at Tailgators Grille, and before the 2nd set was even half over, the managers were pulling me aside--as I was headed for a mid-set bathroom break--telling me that they would "definitely be adding us to their band rotation." Also... They loved us so much, they threw in an extra $100 over what we agreed on for payment at the end of the night. Seriously cool. So we have a regular gig lined up at Tailgators starting again this June and also 3 gigs coming up right in King of Prussia alone. Love the idea of some close-to-home gigs again FINALLY.

April as a whole is actually looking to be pretty quiet aside from the two gig-nights, one of which is already played and done at this point. This weekend is another Pearl City Pathfinder weekend with Megan & Andy, and so far my joining the gang in the TRH: The Next Generation Pathfinder game on Monday nights has gone over pretty well, too. NEXT Saturday is Aimee's sister Elyssia's Bridal Shower (reminds me that I have to arrange for a gift of some kind... hmmmm), and then, depending on the willingness/attitude of the girls after that event, perhaps Dorian's Parlour up in Philly. Missed last month due to lack of enthusiasm for attendance. Bunny will be back selling Green Bunny Hats again this month (And I haven't seen her FANTASTIC tattoo in person yet!), and the acts look fun, and hopefully I'll be able to get Aimee, Diana, and Tori to come... as well as perhaps Becky, Renee S., and some of the boys as well... We'll see. It could end up just being a very long afternoon/evening. Heh.

Little Brother Matt's birthday is on Monday the 25th... Will have to do something for him. I'd been hoping that he and Mom could make it for the UPside show at Peppers on the 23rd and celebrate together... but he wants to celebrate at home in NYC. It's Easter weekend, apparently, so that also makes things a little more difficult for Mom to be traveling. Meh. I know they'll make it down at some point this summer, but man, it's pushing 2 years that I've lived in King of Prussia, and only Dad and Mary have seen the apartment as of yet...

Also, just as an early notification: 
I will (randomly) be hosting Glamstar Karaoke at Galluccio's in Wilmington, DE from 9-1 on Sat., April 30th!
(So get that on your calendars, DE folks!!)

March = good.
April = great (here's hoping).

I'll try to update more this month. :-)


update, dorian's parlour, family, relaxicon, band, gig, friends, karaoke, life, the upside

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