Mar 04, 2011 16:39
Here's the long and short of this crappy week...
Monday: Migraine at the end of the work day, and then power goes out in the apartment for 5 hours once I get home. Migraine never clears up, so I take Tuesday off to do everything I meant to do on Monday evening (AND MORE)!
So Tuesday was pretty good, actually. I ended up ordering new checks, making my yearly dentist/doctor appointments, doing my taxes (most of the long part, anyway), exercising, showering, doing 2 loads of dishes, making lunch for Pat at work, doing the laundry, leveling up one of my Pathfinder characters, and finally getting home to watch a movie I'd been meaning to on my own for about 5 weeks now. Tori and her roomie came over to hang out after Pat got home from work, so all in all, Tuesday was a banner day of the week. LOL.
Wednesday was a long day at work trying to catch up on everything I didn't get done on Monday, and then everything I missed on Tuesday, so it was a crazy day, followed by a great night down in DE with Aimee & Bill, Homegrown wraps, wine, and a couple of flicks on the big-screen-movie-wall. Certainly can't complain about Wednesday evening!
Yesterday was CRAP. I woke up cranky and didn't exercise. I headed to work and some dumb lady cut me off at my exit and a rock flew up from her tires and cracked my windshield... I spent the morning in a panic until some rational, level-headed friends of mine on facebook thought to remind me to just call my insurance company... Duh. So someone came out to the parking lot at work and fixed it for no cost and in only 20 min (and he washed all my windows!), and that was a load off my mind. But, I was still feeling cranky and tired and awful for no really good reason. I eventually told the guys from the band I wasn't gonna go out to the bars to try to get gigs, and I spent the night in with Pat. I was a real cranky bitch for the first 2 hours I was home, really... But once I made dinner and let myself relax, it was not a bad night. Watched the end of the BBC series "Primeval" with Pat and just vegged out and numbed the crappy bad feelings I'd been harboring all day.
Today has been a LONG DAY at work. I'm so bored and ready for the weekend. That's really all there is to say about today. Will have another nice night in, possibly painting some mini-figurines for Pathfinder games that we're playing in this weekend.... It was SUPPOSED to be a gig night for The UPside, if you'll remember... but the bar "postponed" our gig for "some Saturday in April"... and we haven't been able to nail them down to a date yet. Grr. Tired of the evasiveness of entertainment booking at local bars. It's not easy to get (and keep) gigs in this area... But the next SCHEDULED gig will be April 23rd, right in town at Pepper's Restaurant/Bar in King of Prussia, so that will be fun. THEY booked us by phone, sight unseen for TWO gigs... so hopefully we can get some people out to party and at least have a regular gig over there with them.
Tomorrow is Pathfinder in Pearl City with Megan and Andy. Sunday evening is "TRH: The Next Generation" with Jason & Diana (and Kurt & Renee S). So it will be a very gamer-y weekend. I'm looking forward to it. :-)
I have a dentist appointment (finally) on Monday. Am nervous about it for two reasons: I'm pretty sure there's something funky and bad going on the left-hand lower side of my mouth, AND I have to pay them up front and insurance will pay ME back... I don't think I have the money. They did tell me that, instead of rescheduling again, I can pay them by check, and date it for pay day (which is Wednesday, so that should be ok)... But I'm just eeked out about the whole thing. I hope it all goes well. I just want it over with.
So that's life as of now. The "thing" I mentioned in the last post that is coming up on the 12th of March is Dorian's Parlour again... Hoping there will be a little group of friends who are willing and able to come up with me this time.
See you soon (heh),
the upside,