more success and obstacles at the new apartment

Mar 24, 2010 11:20

Yesterday, we had lunch with Jean-Louis at a pizzeria right nearby our new apartment. I had the ridiculous tartiflette calzone, which is so not Italian but still so good. Afterwards, we showed J-L our new apartment and he was mightily impressed with its size and layout. He and I then went to the old apartment to bring some stuff over while Christian waited for the phone and internet guy to come.

He came shortly after we returned and the first thing he said when he saw the jacks is "Are you sure this building is served by Numericable?" We replied that when we called to say we were switching addresses, they seemed to check the new address in their records and have no problems with it. This led to a long investigation by the guy as to what the records say and where the box could be. His company gave him a name of someone in the building that supposedly had service, but that person's name wasn't on the building's directory, so we wondered if they had misentered the address into the records. He searched in the basement and everywhere and FINALLY found the hookup by the roof. He then had to run a wire down through the stairwell, drill a hole in our door and run the cable through the apartment, and drill another hole in a wall just so it could be in our living room where it was supposed to be. This made us happy because he found it so we wouldn't have to go through another company, but the drilling holes made us worried because after having done the état de lieu just this past weekend, they had noted nearly every hole in the apartment and here we were making two more. So we called the agency that manages the apartment, had to wait on hold for a half-hour, only to have them tell us that any changes to the apartment need to be sent in writing to the owner and he has to approve them. This would take two weeks minimum. The electrician guy said even before we called the agency that this is a standard modification and doesn't need to be cleared and J-L also said that it's an improvement to the apartment, adding a new service, and the holes are small so they have nothing to complain about. So, we just won't say anything and hopefully this will not be an issue when we move out.

Once the technician started working on running the cable through the building, J-L and I could safely leave Christian to see the situation to its finish. So the two of us went to Carrefour and got a whole bunch of things we needed for the apartment: a tube to connect the stove to the gas valve in the wall; a shower curtain and rod; plates and silverware; and a wrench. When we came back, the technician was no longer there: he had spent three hours at our apartment and had to quit for the day. He would come back in a few days to finish the job, but at least our internet and phone are working there -- he just has to affix the cord to the wall.

We installed all the purchases from Carrefour, and then discovered that our stove was missing the sparkers that light the gas! Goddammit, another issue. This is something we'll have to call the store about, but it was too late and we were too tired to think about it. We grabbed an unsatisfying dinner of kebabs and relaxed at our old apartment for a few days before falling asleep. I can't imagine how much more tiring it will be on Thursday when we actually move furniture.

apartment, internet

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