new apartment dream

Mar 27, 2010 01:05

I had an interesting dream last night (our first night sleeping in the new apartment). I had signed up to do one of these experiments on campus in the US. A fairly meek and mousy woman with long, red, curly hair welcomed a group of about twenty of us grad students/postdocs into a room with rows of chairs. She had a desk in front. She asked us all to get naked, which we did, and then we sat down. For the experiment, she read certain things and we had to react, tell her our feelings and so forth (I forget the exact details). It didn't at all feel weird that we were naked and she was fully dressed. At the end she thanked us for our participation and then said that she works for a company that was making a new energy drink and they wanted to find a name to market it with and we were something like a focus group. She then said that the next group was coming in and any of us that wanted to stay were welcome to. I decided I would. So I got dressed (I think) and the new group came in and got naked to her request (me too) and sat down. once_a_banana was among them, so he sat next to me and I told him I was just in the previous group. This time, the woman starts reading from a sheet of paper, giving a pep talk about the company and how important it is to find a good name for a product. At one point she said, "It could sometimes be quite a challenge to find a great name, so when an employee thinks of one, it's a big accomplishment, our version of getting a PhD, but only in five minutes!" She chuckled on cue at the scripted joke and continued with the text, but I didn't find it funny and interrupted her, "I'm sorry, but I find it insulting that you're coming here to deal with people who have spent years working on deep investigation of a serious topic and equating that work with some guy putzing around behind a desk for five minutes thinking of stupid names." She starts crying and I apologize saying I'm not mad at her, I'm mad at the company for having such an insulting script. Well, my remarks pretty much ended the experiment, since she was too frazzled to continue. We all got dressed and then I walked with Mischa across campus and asked if I had been out of line. He sad he didn't take quite so much offense to the line to insult someone so openly like that. We talked some more, but that was about it.

I don't know what this dream means. It's the first time I've been naked in a dream where I'm not having sex, and it also was my first time naked in public, though I wasn't embarassed by it at all. It was more just an incidental thing.

Anyway, we're moved into our new apartment. I'll probably post about it tomorrow.


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