To give a title is to need a title

Feb 04, 2011 22:39

Prompt: Overheard Dialogue
Community: your_scribbles
Title: A day in the life
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Reborn!
Warnings: Fluff, probable OOCness for Fran
Authors Notes: So, I haven't done fanfiction in some time. I mean, I know I just posted something for KH recently on my page here but, I guess I just felt like this was a Fran moment. Anyways, for those who actually know who Fran is, I know that they call him Flan as well. Don't care, don't want to hear you say so. So, don't flame me about it.

"It's raining." A boy, with awkward green hair and greens eyes with a purple frog hat stares at the speaker.

"Clearly." He replies, his voice was monotone. Always monotone.

"Well, you're an illusionist. Make it stop. If only for a little while." He shifts a bit in his chair, rolling his head back to look out the window.


"Why the hell not!?" Rolling his head back to face the girl, the ever present vacant expression sits.

"Ever hear the phrase-" He pauses and holds up both hands, most fingers curled except the pointer and the middle, making air quotes,"-'Great day to be suck inside doing work'?" She huffs and he relaxes back into the chair. His monotone and vacant expression still there.

"Then, shouldn't you be working too?" He rolls his eyes.

"I only go on missions with the annoying Prince." She grins and remembers.

"But, you are an illusionist right?" He nods, she grins,"Then shouldn't you be practicing for the day you save your Master?" She gets up and plops herself on him. The emotion of cringing flickers across his face for just a moment, then it vanishes again. Her grin is ever present as she leans into him, laying herself out on top of him.

He ignores her question, and wraps the one free arm around her.

"Shouldn't you be doing your job Kaiden?" She grins and kisses him lightly on the cheek.

"I suppose but, my job involves me going outside. Though my other job doesn't really."

"And what job is that?" Cocked brow, grinning face.

"Being here for you."

"Hm. I suppose so."

"God Fran, at least say romantic!"

"Why?" Kaiden removes herself from him and storms from the room. Fran looks at where she once was and where she went. He heard Bel come in and he felt where the knives hit him.

"Let's go froggy. We have a mission. Shishishishishi~" His tone is happy but, there is a very dark undertone of cruelty. Fran gets up from the chair still staring at the spot where you once were.

"Kaiden. I'll be back." He whirls around and leaves. On the other side of the door, she smiles.

"Of course you will silly. I knew that. God Fran, be romantic for once would ya?"

oocness, rated: pg-13, story, genre: fanfiction, smile, happy, fran, kaiden, katekyo hitman reborn, prompt, fanfiction, f

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