
Sep 17, 2006 17:01

I forgot how much this movie rocks.

I got a lot done on re-doing the philanthropy notebook for Kelsey last night; I'm a couple days late and she's in LC right now (no doubt they all think I'm a bigger fucking bitch than they already do) but I know she'll actually be able to use the binder instead of just wandering around going, "Hello? Does anyone know what I'm supposed to be doing here? No? Fuck." because that's kinda what I was doing last semester.

Looked up and became an expert on AOII Foundation, am going to apply for a scholarship this year. I mean, technically we're supposed to have a girl apply for a scholarship every year and apply for a mini grant annually (at least one), so there.

I want to be River Tam, talk about bitchin.

Plans are to clean up Joey's place a bit, see if there aren't things I can put in order that will do something for him that won't screw up the Joey order of things. Probably put up the dishes, dust a few things, anything that might give him another ten minutes or so in his day; junior year's a fuckin' bitch, I shit you not.

Not really up for working tonight, especially since it decided to rain during the amount of time I was going to go down to Southaven and get the resto fo my GODDAMN STUFF. I would really like the rest of my clothes, and my dance shoes so I don't have to wear ballet flats without padding to work; and now I'll have to do it before/after girly doctor stuff tomorrow instead of going to steal S-K's laundry maker. Grr.

So it's September 17th, which means that there are 13 days left in September. 13 days and I'm going to start the fuck over.

OK, I suppose I should go get all black'd out for Bosco's. Wheeesundaynight. Hopefuly Jenna will be working tonight so I won't have to deal with one of the teenagers all by myself. They drive me up the wall. I just want to take their cell phones and... well, make something up. I'm sure you'll do juuuust fine.

apartment, weather, movies, work, aoii, rain, september, people i want to be, serenity

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