Feb 26, 2010 02:47

In a matter of hours. It's pretty ridiculous.

Suffice to say, I disdain my brother, abhor Ed (male parental unit) and detest Amber (his new wife.)

Bitches. And hos. The lot of them.

And then Lewis decided to be the sweetest damn thing I might have ever met. Bit conceited/arrogant, but REALLY?!

He apparently ignored this guy who hit on him at the bar. I jokingly asked if the random guy was cute. Lewis' response? 'I don't know. I was focusing all my attention on you.' Mind you, he's drunk. I find it difficult to lie whilst drunk. And he's not even as used to BEING drunk as I am, I'm sure. So I said something about him being sweet, and he was like, 'No, I'm being serious. :-)' And then proceeds to drunkenly tell me that he likes me a lot already and he's SO excited to see me tomorrow night.


lewis?!, what is this i don't even

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