Feb 24, 2010 14:12
Lewis and I haven't texted much since the awkward debacle at IHOP. >_< That's totally my fault, but honestly I didn't go sit with him because I'm fat and didn't want to show just how fat/unwashed I happened to be at that time. I meant, I'm still fat, but at least I can wear clothing that flatters my body shape or makes me feel better about myself. Blurgh.
I said when he saw me in sunlight he'd decide it wasn't really worth it.
I'm just being emotional. And unhappy. And running on little sleep. I had to read 80+ pages and two articles for class today, on top of the test I have to turn in today. I stayed up 'til about 7am with only slight distractions and still didn't get everything done.
I wanted to go see the CIA people! D: I mean, I don't qualify for Language Officer, because they want FOREIGN language officers, not just trained linguists (which I am merely by affectation only.) But I still wanted to go! D: Went to sleep at 7, woke up at 9:30, didn't move until 9:45, but took a shower until about 10:15, where I had to break the news to her that I had even MORE shit to do. -Sigh-
I didn't even get to bake! Ugh. I keep lying to my Collective Behaviour people on accident! XD I tell them 'Oh, next week I'll bring in something! I promise!' Nope. :-/ Not this week either.
Urgh. Aaaand on top of the reading and paper for this week, I also get my test for Collective Behaviour! :D Can't fuck that up! And I still have reading and paper for the next week as well, on top of the test. Sometimes, college work sucks. I just want to get a job and get out. In other news, Trung might have a boootay caaaaall. :3 Don't ask him about it, but it's kind of adorable in a slightly creepy way. ♥
what is this i don't even,
amist i bovvered forsooth?,
bad ideas,
death by stupidity