5 questions meme

Jun 22, 2011 13:53

bekkypk supplied 5 random questions, anybody else fancying 5 lines of nonsense for their own, let me know

1. What is the first DW ep you can remember watching, and how does it rate on a re-watch?

I remember a general ethos of 'Pyramids of mars'. I was a week old when it started I have to admit, but I still get deja vu whenever I see it. After that I remember the Rutan climbing the stairs in the lighthouse in 'Horror of Fang Rock', if not the rest of the story. I recalled Leela and K9 running along a tunnel which I eventually discovered was from 'The Sunmakers'. The first full story I recall was the 'Nightmare of Eden' on mums battered portable black n white tv. Then 'The Lesiure Hive' was my first in color when we moved to Redcotts.

On reflection Pyramids and Fang Rock are still classic who. But Nightmare, though a fun romp that my 4 year old self was no doubt enamoured with, isn't terribly classic anything. The story is superb and would fit well with new who, it's the execution that lets it down.

2. Do you ever feel responsible for your parents?

Yes. But I also feel guilty that I dont leap in to do things. Dads usually started the washing up before I've finished eating. I do get to do the vacuuming occasionally, and I'm usually the one who has to go help load or unload things.

3. What do you think the fascination is with creepy games like SH?

Silent Hill is a mystery game in an occasionally horrific setting. Anyone with an interest in horror films enjoys the pricking of adrenaline and the tension of the inevitable attack. SH and RE are part of a genre known as 'survival horror' and thats a major part of the appeal, staying alive. In the case of SH though, like Twin Peaks and Stephen King who inspired it, the mystery you are trying to solve is the important part, if not always in your charecters favour.
Personally I preffered SH, it has more plot and you can survive most villans by simply running away :p

4. What's the likelihood of me getting rained on after my late night?


5. David McCallum - fact of life or force of nature?

From our perspective, being born after his international successes, fact of life. He worked hard to get where his so Nature only helped with the body so many baby boomers lusted after ;)
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