Stalked by Stars!

Jul 14, 2011 18:46

Someone seems to be trying to tell me something.

The first track that played on the alarm clock this morning was 'Life on Mars?' by David Bowie, a suitably creepy start to day after watching the US version of the show of the same name over the weekend.

Got into the van to go on delivery at about 10.30, 'Diamond Dogs' was playing. thats just two tracks, that can be put down to coincidence.

Came back from lunch and the radio was playing Lulu's cover version of 'The Man Who Sold The World' Still nothing to panic about, it was a cover after all.

Then, just after 5, Radio 2 played 'Boys Keep Swinging'. At this point coincidence had begun to vanish.

And then, just after noting this chain of events on MSN, I started WMP. as always the things set to random. its first track? 'Ashes to Ashes'

Damnit Bowie! what do you want!!!
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