random who fic

Jun 12, 2011 18:51

Title: Monument - Episode 1
Cast: 4, Sarah, Harry OC's
Notes: Originally a charecter piece its now got a crowbar of plot added. at this point in time, there is no episode 2

The jungle was dense. Iridescent wings flitted through the dappled trees. The leaf litter clicked and chattered as insects travelled it surface.
Without warning the sounds ceased. Where litter and fallen trunks had stood a moment before there was now a shaft of sombre grey accompanied by a sound unlike any that had gone before.

Harry Sullivan pulled at the brim of the outsize felt hat. Trying to shade his eyes from the glare of the tropical sun. ‘I say, it’s not very Scottish is it?’
‘You honestly expected it to be?’ Sarah Jane Smith grinned cheekily.
‘More like Madagascar.’
‘Pangaea’ the Doctor boomed, striding ahead.
‘Bit off course then?’ Harry wondered. Sarah laughed, much to Harry’s annoyance.
‘Actually we’re exactly where I said we would be. Just early.’ The Doctor boggled. Harry was glad of the loan of the hat but still amazed at the Doctor’s three coats and a scarf ensemble in this heat.
‘By early he means pre dinosaur!’ Sarah giggled.
‘My word old thing, you’re a fount of knowledge.’
‘Oh blame him,’ she thumbed at the Drs back ‘I got the history of Planet Earth in a thousand long words on the way to a market in Restonex.’
‘Shouldn’t we get back in the TARDIS and try again?’ Harry worried.
‘Plenty of time to pander to the Brigadier, it’s not every day the old girl gets hauled off course by a complex space time event occurring in the primordial past of your planet Harry’
‘It isn’t?’ just a handful of weeks ago that would have been a serious question, loaded with curiosity. Today his tone, and his knowing nod to Sarah, suggested more sarcasm than interest.
‘Is that where we’re going, to this event?’ Sarah asked brightly, patting Harry’s arm sympathetically but clearly thrilled at another adventure.
‘Perhaps, depends on whether we find it.’
‘What does it look like?’ Harry asked, trying to be helpful. The Doctor stopped dead and whirled on him, a long finger poking at the lapel of his blazer.
‘If I knew that I wouldn’t be searching for it would I? Honestly, I have no idea how you managed to get through your doctorate with your astounding ability to understand only the perfectly obvious!’
‘I say! I was just trying to help.’
‘Doctor?’ Sarah called ‘could it look like a bit like Cleopatra’s needle?’
‘That would certainly qualify for something out of its time and place’ Harry admitted. The Doctor glared at him and stormed off in the direction Sarah was looking. Harry puffed out his cheeks and followed ruefully after them.
The cockpit of the Render was cramped, battered and smelled just a little of wet dog. Cardinal Mulic growled at the screens in front of him, his claws etching a rhythm in the console. Pastor Arthur Gomez y Smith shuffled in the pilot’s seat. He was a shivering little man labouring under the weight of a large moustache. In comparison the walrus like weight of the cardinal it was clear to see why he was only a pastor.
Mulic shifted closer to the screen and Pastor Gomez quailed at the armoured bulk.
‘No signal yet, sir’
‘I can see that. Where is he?’
‘Without the signal I don’t...’ Mulic stood, narrowly avoiding crushing an over head cable.
‘This is a hunt, not hide and seek!’ he barked. The Pastor screwed his eyes closed just as the console in front of him bleeped plaintively.
‘There it is sir, we have a contact.’
‘Best speed Pastor. The hunt is on.’ Mulic hauled himself from the flight deck to rally his troops.
Sarah Jane Smith picked her way carefully through the folded vegetation that surrounded the grey spire. ‘Looks like it was just dropped here.’
‘Hmm’ the Doctor commented. He had handed one end of his ludicrous scarf to Harry and stalked off with the other, using it to map out the size of the clearing around the spire.
‘I see what you mean old girl. Everything folded over like this.’
‘Nonsense of course,’ The Doctor called ‘you can see the passage of the vegetation from under it. If this was dropped it would’ve buried itself in the earth.’
‘Stone you think?’ Sarah wondered. She had walked right up to the spire initially until the Doctor had warned her back.
‘Looks like the cenotaph if you ask me.’ Harry commented, even though he didn’t expect anyone to care an awful lot about what he thought.
‘What?’ The Doctor bellowed across the clearing.
‘The Cenotaph, you know, on the mall? I was an usher for the parade last year, terrible weather...’
‘Harry Sullivan! ‘The Doctor boomed just as loud, even though he had now crossed the distance between them.
‘Er, yes Doctor?’
‘I do believe you’ve cracked it’ the time lord beamed happily. Harry looked nervously at the scarf. ‘It’s a monument’
Sarah frowned ‘to what? Erected by whom?’
‘Ah, well....’ the Doctor blustered.
‘And what is a monument doing interfering with the TARDIS?’ Harry wondered aloud.
‘One thing at a time eh?’ The Doctor strode swiftly to the spire, leaving Harry to spool the scarf back into his arms.
‘There’s nothing written on it, I’ve checked.’ Sarah pointed out.
‘Nothing you can see anyway, old girl’ She pulled a face at him.
‘I suppose you think it’s got made in China underneath?’ she teased him.
‘that or three and six.’ He grinned in reply.
The Doctor had ignored them both, pacing the spire as he thought. ‘A monument to commemorate something. A signal that transcends the Vortex and yet... nothing from the Time Lords.’
‘Do you think they could have put it here?’ Sarah asked, glancing around the clearing nervously.
‘Or it’s a message for them perhaps?’
‘on ancient Earth?’ Sarah frowned.
‘A planet on the cusp of becoming incredibly pivotal to the events of recorded time? What better place to grab the attention of the Time Lords?’
‘Sounds awfully like a trap to me, Doctor.’ Harry’s body language changed in an instant, his eyes narrowing, his body straightening ready for a fight. Sarah smirked to herself, but was secretly glad to have him there. In the sky above them a roar like thunder erupted. The trio looked up into an eruption of boiling cloud mass. A dark shape broke through, its outline uncertain but giving a sense of brutal solidity.
‘You had to say it, didn’t you Harry.’ The Doctor snatched his scarf and hat from his companion’s hand
‘Back to the TARDIS, Doctor?’ he suggested in reply.
‘No, I can’t leave this monstrosity lying around here dragging all and sundry to prehistoric Earth! Besides, they might simply be responding to the same signal that drew us here.’
Harry looked to Sarah and shook his head. ‘Righto Doctor, but i’m still going to find something to defend us with, if it’s all the same to you.’ The time lord didn’t reply, preferring instead to go back to the spire. Harry nodded Sarah after him and went searching for a good stout stick.
‘he’s terribly violent for a medical man.’ The Doctor mused aloud, fishing out his sonic screwdriver.
‘Don’t start Doctor, you know full well he’s just doing what he thinks is best.’
Cardinal Mulic kicked the door of the Airlock open and leapt out of the hatch. He landed in a classic battle stance, arm canon raised with his other three limbs poised to let him flash instantly into battle. His squad fanned out around him, equally alert to the presence of threat. With nothing immediately obvious the Cardinal straightened up and barked out orders to establish a search pattern.
‘There’s a time lord present. You know what that means.’
‘Sir, yes sir!‘ the team responded automatically. Each one took a device from their belt and attached it to the barrel of their rifles. On a human weapon it could mistaken for a silencer. But these adaptations were designed to split the blast from the powerful field laser in two. One for each heart of a time lord.

Sarah lent on her knees and watched the Doctor waving his screwdriver vaguely at the spire until it became it became clear that nothing much was going to happen. She puffed out her cheeks and looked around. 'How long does it take hin to find a lump of wood?'
'Hmm?' was the Doctor's distracted reply.
'Harry, he's been gone a while.'
'If you're all that concerned you could go and find him.' Sarah had not gone more than three steps when a crashing noise to her left made her swing round.
'Harry?' she called. A second crash announced his return, thrown through the air at about head. Sarah ducked as he sailed over her, thumping to the ground at the base of the spire. An armoured figure followed him into the clearing, gun raised in Sarah's direction.


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